Error-SafeNet Communication Blocked Between License Service and Local License Manager When Creating a C2V File
When the "Communication Error" message occurs, it typically indicates that some type of virus/spam filter software is actively blocking the Sentinel HASP license manager from communicating with FARO® software. Ask your IT department to alter their virus software domain policies to stop blocking the Sentinel license manager.
The service that an IT department should look for is located in the "Computer Management" window.
Locate your "My Computer icon", right click on it and choose "Manage":
- Go to Services and Applications.
- Go to Services.
- Look for "Sentinel HASP License Manager"
- Ensure your IT department does not disable this particular service after a reboot.
If this error still occurs:
- Open the Registry Editor. Select the Windows Menu Icon in the lower left corner and type "regedit" in the box that says "Search programs and files".
- Locate the following key- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > hasplms > Parameters.
- Look to the right and locate the PORT value (under the Data column).
- Right-Click PORT and choose Modify. Key in 1947.
- Close out of the Registry Editor.
- Go back to "Sentinel HASP License Manager" (directions above)
- Double click that service and push the STOP button. This will stop the licensing service.
- Next, Click Start.
- Try opening the software now or generating a C2V file.
See Also
- Error-SafeNet Code 35845 Sentinel HASP License Driver
- Error-SafeNet Aksfridge Service With Parameters 1157 577 1 on HASP Driver Installation
communication error, local LM, c2v, licensing, hasp