Software Download, Installation, and Release Notes for SCENE Capture
SCENE Capture is the software installed on the Mobile PC that does the processing of the Freestyle 2 scan data. The Mobile Phone App is the interface to SCENE Capture. From time to time, SCENE Capture software is updated and can be downloaded from the link below.
Note: SCENE Capture 2021.5 is the last version that supports the original Freestyle scanners (Freestyle3D, Freestyle3D X, Freestyle3D Objects).
Quick Steps
- Click the links below to download the latest FARO® SCENE Capture software. For earlier versions of Capture, click here.
Release Date Version 4 May 2023 SCENE Capture 2022.2.0.10640 - It may take a several minutes to complete the download. Do not close your browser or shut off your computer while the download is in process. When the download is complete, the SCENE Capture installation setup.exe file appears in your browser's download folder.
- Download the Release Notes to learn what is new in the latest version.
- Install the software, see below.
Installing SCENE Capture
Use the procedure below to update SCENE capture on the Mobile PC.
- Copy the SCENE Capture installer to the root directory of a USB flash drive.
- Plug the AC power cord into the Mobile PC.
- Plug the Freestyle 2 hand unit into the Mobile PC.
- Start the Mobile PC by pressing the On/Off Button. The blue LED flashes during the booting process. The computer is ready when the On/Off button stops flashing and shows a constant blue light.
- Plug this USB stick to the Mobile PC.
- Start the FARO Freestyle App on the phone and connect via WLAN or USB-tethering to the Mobile PC.
- At the home screen, tap Settings > Administration > Operations > SCENE Capture.
- Tap Install SCENE Capture from USB drive
- Select the Installer file and wait until the installation process is complete. This will take several minutes. Do not interrupt the installation process.
- When the installation is complete, remove the USB flash drive from the Mobile PC.