Self Compensation Does Not Bring Backsights into Tolerance with the Laser Tracker
If the FARO® Laser Tracker is at operating temperature and Self Compensation is not bringing the backsights into tolerance or just barely bringing the backsights into tolerance, a Self Comp Optimization may be needed. This will correct the Self Compensation for any minor changes that may have occurred to the tracker's embedded targets as a result of shipping, exposure to shock or frequent vibrations. Self Compensation Optimization can be run in the following two ways:
Directly from Self Compensation
If Self Compensation is run from the Angular Accuracy Results page, or if Angular Accuracy Checks is run from the Self Compensation Results page, and the Angular Accuracy checks show that the backsights are not in tolerance. You should continue on to the Pointing Interim Test, Pointing Compensation and Squareness Compensation.
Upon completion of the Squareness Compensation, the tracker will perform the Self Comp Optimization routine. Subsequent Self Compensations will bring the tracker into tolerance. If you close out to the main CompIT page during any part of this routine, the routines performed already will be cleared from memory and CompIT will not remember the previous steps performed or begin where you left off in this process.
Directly from Pointing Compensation
From the Advanced tab, select Pointing Compensation to run the Pointing Interim Test. Even if the backsights are in tolerance, continue onto the Pointing Compensation and run the Pointing Compensation. Even if the Pointing Compensation produces passing results, continue onto the Squareness Compensation.
Upon completion of the Squareness Compensation, press Compensate to continue onto the Self Compensation Optimization.
Keywords: backsights, self comp, self compensation