Transducer Is out of Calibration Troubleshooting for the Bronze FaroArm
Problem: Transducer (#?) out of calibration on Bronze Series DSP arms
Before we issue a service for your Bronze arm we would like you to perform some diagnostics for us.
- Check that the arm links up to the computer. When it links up to the computer, see if it shows the Serial Number and calibration date on the screen.
- Turn off the computer, unplug the arm from the computer, and disconnect the power.
- Check the connectors on the cable. Look for any cracks in the plastic connector or a pinch in the cable.
- Check the Sprinter II connector (9 pin connector that plugs into the computer) for any cracks. Check the back side of the connector, where the RJ-11 cable plugs, for a bent/broken pin.
- Check the serial port in the back of the DSP Box to see if it has a bent or broken pin.
- Take a pen or pencil and push the reset button on the back of the DSP Box.
- Take the cover off the DSP Box and make sure the connector from wire harness is securely seated onto the board. Place the cover back on.
- Turn on the system and see what happens.
If you are still receiving the out of calibration error after performing these steps, contact us and we will issue a service number (RMA#).
transducer, bronze