Feature Property Definitions of dN, Form, Max, and Min Error for a Parallel Plane Polyline Scan in Measure
dN: Since a polyline is many points within one feature, this property is usually not a good indicator of your polyline and can generally be ignored.
Form: The form is the MaxError – MinError which results in a slab that will contain all the measurement points inside. The result that is being shown is what it in conformity within that slab.
MinError: the worst point on the low side of the solution.
MaxError: the worst point on the high side of the solution.
Note: When measuring for a polyline object, a point cloud is collected all over the surface measure. The data is interpolated to coincide with the planes generated. Given this, you can resultantly change the properties in the object and have the objects regenerated to reflect the changes. Also, this enables you to “Add Readings” to the object in areas lacking points.
polyline scanning, lock plane, polyline group, Measure