USB Tethering Issues with the Freestyle2
Recent Android 11 updates have changed various network settings of the mobile phone which has caused USB-tethering connections to the Freestyle 2 to no longer function.
Note: USB-tethering is only available for Android mobile phones.
- Make sure that the latest version (v1.2.3) of the Android Freestyle 2 app is installed on your mobile phone. Check the Google Play store for updates.
- Download the latest version of SCENE Capture and install it as described here: Software Download, Installation, and Release Notes for SCENE Capture
- If the Android app and SCENE Capture is up to date, but USB-tethering is still not working:
- Return to the Freestyle 2 user interface, navigate to Settings > Administration > Operations > Mobile PC (located at the bottom).
- Tap Reconfigure Network Settings > Confirm. Allow one minute for the configuration to complete before proceeding.
- Reboot the Freestyle 2 Mobile PC manually (cycle power on/off).
- USB-tethering connectivity should now be restored. Connect the mobile phone to the Freestyle 2 via USB, it may take up to one minute to connect.