As-Built for Modeler Keyboard Shortcuts
In this article you can find the keyboard shortcuts for As-Built for Modeler.
CTRL + F - Close project.
CTRL + N - Create new project.
CTRL + O - Open workspace.
CTRL + Q - Save project.
CTRL + S - Find object.
ALT + P - Create and save screen shot of current 3D view.
CTRL + A - Select all (Works only in overview with Structure selected).
CTRL + C or CTRL + INS - Copy to clipboard.
CTRL + D - Clear selection (Works only in overview only with Structureselected).
CTRL + P - Open print dialog.
CTRL + RETURN - Edit selected object's properties.
CTRL + SHIFT + P - Open print preview.CTRL + V or SHIFT + INS - Insert from clipboard.
CTRL + X - Cut-out selection and copy it to clipboard.
CTRL + Y - Redo (especially for modeling tools).
CTRL + Z - Undo (especially for modeling tools).
DEL - Delete selected object.
ESC - Cancel and close.
Press and hold CTRL + mouse interaction - Switch temporarily to navigation mode. You must be in a selection mode and using modeling tools.
SHIFT + left mouse click - De-select regions in Trim and Extend workflow.
3D View - General
Add sign (+) - Zoom in.
Minus sign (-) - Zoom out.
0 (on numberkeypad) - Switch between scaling, moving, and rotation manipulators with a clipping boxselected.
1, 2, 3 - Set point size for point cloud in active 3D view.
4 - Set point size mode toAdaptive. This only turns on the adaptive point sizeoption; it does not turn it off.
Arrow Keys or W, A, S, D or 8, 4, 3, 6 (on number keypad) - Move camera forward, left, backward, and right, respectively.
B - Switch between Walk and Fly modes.
BACKSPACE - Return to previous camera position.
C - Switch Clear View off or on.
CTRL + F2 - Create viewpoint.
CTRL + F11 or ALT + RETURN - Switch between full-screen presentation mode active and inactive. (Both set ofkeys do the same thing).
CTRL + T - Switch point cloud visibility off or on.
F or Page Down - Shift vertical position down.
F2 - Go to next viewpoint.
I, J, K, L - Rotate camera upward, left, downward, and right, respectively (yaw and pitch).
Q, E - Roll camera left and right, respectively. (Doesn't work in Smart or ExamineMode).
P - Switch between Perspective and Orthographic view mode.
Press and holdCTRL - Temporarily use Examine mode, while another mode is active or during CADoperations.
Press and holdmiddle mousebutton - Temporarily use Pan mode.
R or Page Up - Shift vertical position up.
SHIFT + F2 - Go to previous viewpoint.
SHIFT + middlemouse button - Set rotation point.
SHIFT + mousewheel - Switch between Positional zoom and Viewing Angle zoom.
SPACE - Switch between Fly and Examine modes.
T - Align camera to surface normal.
V - Reset camera roll to pre-roll position.
X - Move camera to picked point.
3D View - Examine Mode
Arrow Keys or W, A, S, D - Move camera backwards (away from object), right (to object's left), forward (closer toobject), and left (to object's right), respectively.
I, J, K, L - Rotate camera downward (toward object's top view), counter-clockwise (object'sclockwise), upward (toward object's bottom view), and clockwise (object's counter-clockwise), respectively.
3D Measurements
BACKSPACE - Remove last point.
Left and right arrows - Pan the camera left and right, respectively
Page up and Page down - Pan the camera up and down, respectively.
RETURN - Finalize measurement.
Up and down arrows - Zoom the camera in and out, respectively
Additional Keyboard Shortcuts for 3D and Quick View
BACKSPACE - Remove the last measured point.
HOME (or POS1) - Add an end-point at the start-point and finalize the measurement.
RETURN - Finalize the measurement without adding an end-point.
Area Measurement App
BACKSPACE - Remove last point.
ESC - Cancel.
I - Fix target plane.
RETURN - Finish measurements.
Volume Measurement App
Down (arrow) - Move polygon down (Top Poly mode).
Minus Sign (-) - Decrease scale (Top Poly or Mesh mode).
Minus Sign (-) (on number keypad) - Decrease manipulator size (Top Poly or Mesh mode).
Plus Sign (+) - Increases scale (Top Poly or Mesh mode).
Plus Sign (+) (on number keypad) - Increase manipulator size (Top Poly or Mesh mode).
Up (arrow) - Move polygon up (Top Poly mode).
0 (on number keypad) - Update mesh in Mesh mode.
BACKSPACE - Remove last point.
CTRL + Down (arrow) - Decrease height.
CTRL + Up (arrow) - Increase height.
ESC - Cancel.
I - Fix target plane.
RETURN - Finish measurements.
X - Delete vertex or vertices and close holes (Mesh mode).
Y - Delete vertex or vertices without closing holes (Mesh mode).