Accuracy Consequences When Losing a Degree of Freedom with the FaroArm
In the working volume of the FaroArm, there can be a loss of a degree of freedom (the natural rotation of the transfer case). With this loss, bending will occur on the transfer tubes of the FaroArm causing a movement of the probe position which can not be recorded by the arm’s encoder system. Measurement results taken in these positions will not be accurate. This condition is not encountered in the calibration of the FaroArm.
Common areas of measurement in which this loss will occur are:
- When an encoder has reached a hard end-stop.
- Directly above the FaroArm.
- In close to the base of the FaroArm.
The FaroArm should always feel “fluid” in its movement. If excessive force is needed to move to a measuring location, a degree of freedom has probably been lost. The attached document illustrates some of the possible positions of a FaroArm where a degree of freedom has been lost.
Click here to download: Degrees of Freedom