Debounce Settings to Eliminate Extra Hits or Lost Hits with the Serial FaroArm
The De-bounce (delay time) that is used depends on how you use the FaroArm. The delay prevents an additional trigger from occurring for the specified amount of time. If it is too small, you run the risk of accidentally taking multiple points. This is because the Renishaw switch is noisy and the signal bounces upon opening/closure. On the other hand, a laser scanners can trigger very quickly because they minimize the delay time by interfacing directly with the port and making sure that they provide a very clean signal.
We recommend you use 250-500 ms when using the Renishaw probe. This will work if you take points slowly and carefully. Some users are a little rougher with the Renishaw and may get double points. In that case the delay time can be increased.
In Measure, go to the Probes Menu, highlight the probe you are currently using and push EDIT. You can change the De-bounce time to 250-500 ms or greater if you are encountering extra hits during your measurement session.
renishaw, tp-20, tp20, ttp, renishaw probe, hits