Connecting a Serial FaroArm to a USB port using a USB to serial port adapter
Faro does not recommend or guarantee the outcome from this configuration. We do not support these adapters.
It is possible to connect a FARO arm to a USB port using a USB to serial port adapter. However there are some restrictions that we have found:
- This configuration must be used with Windows 2000 or newer. Windows NT will not support it.
- The adapter must be installed on COM1.
- This adapter may have problems when connecting through a USB hub.
- Some of these adapters do not change baud rates based on software commands, so if a user must change the arm baud rates, then they will also need to change the baud rate of the port manually in the Windows control panel.
- The user will need a null modem cable or null modem adapter to connect to the power module. The only one we've found that works reliably is the Quatech SSU-100.
usb serial, serial to usb, usb converter, usb adapter, usb adaptor, adapter