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As-Built As-Built - Revit As-Built - AutoCAD VirtuSurv - VirtuSurv 2018 As-Built - Modeler VirtuSurv - VirtuSurv 2019          
BuildIT BuildIT - Projector BuildIT - Construction BuildIT - Metrology              
CAM2 CAM2 - SmartInspect CAM2 - 2024 CAM2 - 2023 CAM2 - 2018 CAM2 - Measure 10 CAM2 - Measure Q CAM2 - Measure X CAM2 - Measure 3/4 CAM2 - AnthroCAM CAM2 - 2019
CAM2 CAM2 - 2020 CAM2 - 2021                
Cobalt 3D Imager 3D Imager - Cobalt                  
Cobalt Design Cobalt Design - M Cobalt Design - S Cobalt Design - Dual              
Computers Computers - All Computers                  
FARO Aras 360 & CAD Zone FARO CAD Zone - Fire & Insurance FARO CAD Zone - Crime & Crash FARO CAD Zone - CZ Point Cloud FARO CAD Zone - First Look Pro FARO 360 - Reality FARO 360 - HD FARO 360 - Blitz FARO 360 - Genius    
FARO Connect FARO Connect - Connect                  
FARO Zone present4D - present4D                  
FARO Zone 2D FARO Zone 2D - 2018 FARO Zone 2D - 2019 FARO Zone 2D - 2020 FARO Zone 2D - 2021 FARO Zone 2D - 2022 FARO Zone 2D - 2023        
FARO Zone 3D FARO Zone 3D - 2018 FARO Zone 3D - 2019 FARO Zone 3D - 2020 FARO Zone 3D - 2021 FARO Zone 3D - 2022 FARO Zone 3D - 2023 FARO Zone 3D - 2024      
FARO Zone 3D Advanced FARO Zone 3D Advanced - 2018 FARO Zone 3D Advanced - 2019 FARO Zone 3D Advanced - 2020 FARO Zone 3D Advanced - 2021 FARO Zone 3D Advanced - 2022          
FaroArm/ScanArm FaroArm/ScanArm - Quantum S FaroArm/ScanArm - Quantum M FaroArm/ScanArm - Quantum E FaroArm/ScanArm - Edge FaroArm/ScanArm - Fusion FaroArm/ScanArm - Prime FaroArm/ScanArm - Platinum FaroArm/ScanArm - Legacy Quantum FaroArm/ScanArm - Titanium FaroArm/ScanArm - Advantage
FaroArm/ScanArm FaroArm/ScanArm - Digital Template FaroArm/ScanArm - Gage FaroArm/ScanArm - Quantum S Max FaroArm/ScanArm - Quantum M Max FaroArm/ScanArm - Quantum E Max FaroArm/ScanArm - Gage Max        
GeoSLAM Software GeoSLAM Software - Connect GeoSLAM Software - Draw GeoSLAM Software - Hub GeoSLAM Software - Volumes            
GeoSLAM ZEB GeoSLAM ZEB - Horizon GeoSLAM ZEB - Horizon RT GeoSLAM ZEB - Revo GeoSLAM ZEB - Revo RT GeoSLAM ZEB - Go          
Hand Held Scanner 2D Hand Held Scanner - ScanPlan 3D Hand Held Scanner - Freestyle3D 3D Hand Held Scanner - Freestyle3D X 3D Hand Held Scanner - Freestyle3D Objects 3D Hand Held Scanner - Freestyle 2          
Language Quality HT MT AT NT INT - Internal Sales - Internal Resources Sales - Order and Quote Sales - Product Info Sales - Sales Readiness Sales - Training
Language Quality Sales - Product Launch Sales - Promotions CS - Quote to Invoice CS - Phone System CS - New Hire Training CS - General CS - Product Info CS - Licensing CS - Onboarding CS - Procedures General
Language Quality CS - Procedures Salesforce CS - Procedures Loaner CS - Procedures SAP              
Languages Language - English Language - Japanese Language - German Language - Chinese Language - Spanish Language - Italian Language - Portuguese Language - French Language - Korean  
Laser Projector RayTracer - RayTracer Laser Projector - Tracer M Laser Projector - Tracer SI              
Laser Radar Imaging Laser Radar - VectorRI                  
Laser Scanner 3D Laser Scanner - Focus S 3D Laser Scanner - Focus M 3D Laser Scanner - Focus3D 3D Laser Scanner - Focus3D X 3D Laser Scanner - Focus3D X HDR 3D Laser Scanner - Focus3D S 3D Laser Scanner - Photon 3D Laser Scanner - Focus S Plus 3D Laser Scanner - Swift 3D Laser Scanner - Focus Premium
Laser Scanner 3D Laser Scanner - Focus Core                  
Laser Tracker Laser Tracker - Vantage Laser Tracker - ION Laser Tracker - Vantage S Laser Tracker - Si Laser Tracker - X Laser Tracker - Xi Laser Tracker - Vantage E Laser Tracker - Vantage S6 Laser Tracker - Vantage E6  
Legacy Gage Legacy Gage - Bluetooth Legacy Gage - Plus Legacy Gage - Standard Legacy Gage - Power            
Legacy Software Legacy Software - CAM2 Gage Legacy Software - Gage Software Legacy Software - Insight              
Mobile Scanner Mobile Scanner - Orbis                  
PointSense PointSense - Basic PointSense - Pro PointSense - Building PointSense - Plant PointSense - Heritage PointSense - Revit CAD Plugin - TachyCAD Building CAD Plugin - TachyCAD Archeology CAD Plugin - TachyCAD Interior CAD Plugin - PhoToPlan Basic
PointSense CAD Plugin - PhoToPlan CAD Plugin - PhoToPlan Pro CAD Plugin - PhoToPlan Ultimate CAD Plugin - DisToPlan CAD Plugin - MonuMap CAD Plugin - hylasFM CAD Plugin - VirtuSurv      
RevEng RevEng - RevEng                  
ScanArm ScanArm - Design ScanArm 2.0 ScanArm - Design ScanArm ScanArm - Forensic ScanArm ScanArm - Design ScanArm 2.5C            
SCENE SCENE - Capture and Process SCENE - WebShare Server and 2Go SCENE - WebShare 2Go App SCENE - 2018 SCENE - 7.x SCENE - 6.x SCENE - 5.x SCENE - 4.x SCENE - LT SCENE - 2019
SCENE SCENE - 2go App SCENE - 2020 SCENE - 2021 SCENE - 2022 SCENE - 2023          
Serial FaroArm Serial FaroArm - Silver Serial FaroArm - Gold Serial FaroArm - Bronze              
Sphere FARO Sphere - Sphere                  
Visual Inspect Visual Inspect - App Visual Inspect - CAD Translator                
WebShare WebShare - Enterprise WebShare - WebShare Cloud                



FARO® Knowledge Base

Getting Started with As-Built for AutoCAD Software


The FARO® As-Built™ for AutoCAD® is the follow-up product of all PointSense for AutoCAD Products. It contains the functionality of PointSense Pro, Building, Heritage and Plant plus additional features. As-Built for AutoCAD is available in many languages.

As-Built for AutoCAD provides powerful tools to derive plans, image plans and 3D models from point clouds for as-built data collection and planning in architecture, construction and engineering. Plant components and piping systems can be automatically detected and recorded with all their parameters. Exact connection points can be determined without modeling. Analysis tools serve for quality control of the modeled object as well as for the determination and visualization of deformations. The integrated feature data capture is useful for facility management and real estate management, as well as for component lists from piping systems or for damage mapping on facades of historical buildings.

Photogrammetry tools are a valuable addition to the inventory and documentation of historical buildings in particular in historic preservation and building research. An interface to total stations complements the range of functions and enables the staking out of points from the design into reality. When measuring the total station becomes a 3D mouse. Measurements are transferred directly to AutoCAD.

Note: Photogrammetry tools and Total Station support is not available in As-Built for AutoCAD version 2024 and later.

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Getting Started Tutorials

Working with Scan Data

Tutorial Creating a Floor Plan:

After this tutorial you will be able to:
  • Create and manage slices
  • Fit outline plan of walls
  • Create a door
  • Create a room height block
  • Create a stair case
Download English Tutorial Download Deutsche Tutorial


Evaluating Scans of Pipe-runs and Steel Constructions

Following tutorials can all be done with the same data set, a scan project of an industrial plant. You only have to download the material once. You can execute them in any sequence.

Download Tutorial Material

Tutorial: Prepare a Drawing for As-Built Plant Tools

After this tutorial you will be able to:

  • Load catalogs (Plant Models)
  • Add steel to an Active Set
  • Configure units and parameters
  • Insert a point cloud (RCP file)

Tutorial: Pipes

After this tutorial you will be able to:

  • Use scan navigation
  • Create pipe runs efficiently (Walk The Run)
  • Apply Constraints
  • Export the results
  • Create an ISO drawing

Tutorial: Steel

After this tutorial you will be able to:

  • Add steel to an Active Set
  • Fit steel beams to the point cloud
  • Copy beams
  • Extend beams

Tutorial: Tie-In Points

After this tutorial you will be able to:

  • Create and annotate tie-in points

Tutorial: Tank Analysis

After this tutorial you will be able to:

  • Define point cloud sections
  • Fit a cylinder
  • Run a tank analysis
  • Import the result to Excel

Capturing Feature Data

Tutorial Area Management:

After this tutorial you will be able to:

  • Use the area list
  • Create new room items
  • Enter attributes
  • Create visualizations

Feature Data Tutorial II - Part 1: Data Capture:

After this tutorial you will be able to:

  • Collect non-geometrical data linked to geometry
  • Place labels
  • Show attributes in labels
  • Change attribute values
  • Export feature data to tables


Feature Data Tutorial II - Part 2: Inherited Attributes and Links:

After this tutorial you will be able to:

  • Link equipment to rooms
  • Ensure equipment has unique key values
  • Move equipment from one room to another
  • Check and Update consistency of collected data


Feature Data Tutorial III - Part 1: Draft a Structure Definition:

After this tutorial you will be able to:

  • Plan and draft a structure definition for you own purpose of feature data collection
  • Define what classes of objects/features you need
  • Define attributes for your classes
  • Define relational links between the classes
  • Define Base Classes that other classes may inherit properties from



Feature Data Tutorial III - Part 2: Model and Configure a Data Structure:

After this tutorial you will be able to:

  • Create a new structure definition in As-Built for AutoCAD
  • Create new classes and attributes
  • Set links between classes
  • Create classes that inherit from a Base class
  • Export/Save the structure definition



Feature Data Tutorial III - Part 3: Data Capture:

After this tutorial you will be able to:

  • Capture objects and features in the structure tree
  • Link objects and features that relate to each other
  • Add attributes to objects
  • Check and create consistency
  • Define the layout of class labels and your structure tree
  • Improve your own structure definition



Archaeological Excavation Tutorial

After this tutorial you will be able to:

  • Use the structure view to collect and review data
  • Capture new feature and find objects
  • Link features and finds
  • Open linked documents
  • Enable visualizations
  • Insert a legend



Facade Damage Mapping Tutorial - Part 1: Data Capture

After this tutorial you will be able to:

  • Capture areal and linear damage including specific attributes
  • Create links between different types of damage
  • Visualize attributes
  • Insert a legend



Facade Damage Mapping Tutorial - Part 2: Customize a Structure Definition

After this tutorial you will be able to:

  • Change the name of the structure definition
  • Customize and add new attributes
  • Sort attributes
  • Add new visualization types
  • Re-use your structure definition




Using Photogrammetry

Note: Photogrammetry tools and Total Station support is not available in As-Built for AutoCAD version 2024 and later.

Tutorial Image Rectification by Control Points:

After this tutorial you will be able to:

  • Import control points and define a rectification plane,
  • Load a photo and assign control points to image points ,
  • Rectify a photo by removing central perspective distortion, and
  • Clip and merge photos to one complete image plan
Download English Tutorial Download Deutsche Tutorial

Tutorial Image Rectification by Geometry:

After this tutorial you will be able to:

  • Adapt a rectification grid
  • Assign the reference measurements
  • Clip and rectify a photo
  • Add dimension information



Tutorial Oriented Images

Following 3-part tutorial can all be done with the same data set. You only have to download the material once.

Download English Tutorial Download Deutsche Tutorial

Tutorial Oriented Images - Part 1 of 3: Image Orientation: 

After this tutorial you will be able to:

  • Import control points
  • Define a User Coordinate System from the current view
  • Load photos to the drawing
  • Perform the image orientation, and
  • Use the oriented image to create 3D geometry


Tutorial Oriented Images - Part 2 of 3: Import:

After this tutorial you will be able to:

  • Import oriented photos from an AgiSoft PhotoScan project
  • Use image management to create view ports
  • Derive 3D geometry from oriented photos


Tutorial Oriented Images - Part 3 of 3: Facade Plan:

After this tutorial you will be able to:

  • Load oriented images
  • Prepare viewports
  • Create a façade UCS (User Coordinate System)
  • Derive 3D geometry from photos
  • Flatten geometry to a façade plan



Feature Videos

Looking for more videos... Click Here

Point Clouds

 Scan Navigation (Building)

SmartSnap (Edge or Corner)

 SmartSnap (Real Lowest Point)

Photo-realistic Scan Views

 Section Management

 Clash Detection

 Deformation Analysis

 Scan Navigation (Industrial Plant)


Note: Photogrammetry tools and Total Station support is not available in As-Built for AutoCAD version 2024 and later.

 True scale photo rectification

 Merging images in PhoToPlan

 The result of the merging images process

 Adding detailed 2D line work in PhoToPlan

Total Station

Note: Photogrammetry tools and Total Station support is not available in As-Built for AutoCAD version 2024 and later.

 Instrument Setup

 Measure Stairs

 Measure door

 Measure line

 Measure door



Tips & Tricks

 Export an RCP Point Cloud from SCENE

 Create an RCP Point Cloud with ReCap

 Insert an RCP Point Cloud

 Useful AutoCAD Settings

 Bridge Clearance

 Topographic Extractions