Tank Volume Analysis with BuildIT Construction
Use BuildIT Construction to Import FLS file and perform a tank volume analysis on a cloud surface to evaluate the storage volume.
You’ll learn:
- A simple workflow from importing the files to producing a report of the volume analysis.
- Opening BuildIT, import a *FLS Cloud file.
- Performing the Tank Volume Analysis Command
- Exporting a report
Tutorial Download
If you would like to download the file used in this article, download the accompanying Training Data and extract its contents to a folder on your PC.
Import FLS File
Import the FLS files using the following method:
- In the menu bar, select “File > Import > Import SCENE Clouds”.
- Select the files “TANK_rev_000.fls and TANK_rev_001.fls” from the training data and open.
Perform Tank Volume Analysis
- Select "Refine > Merge Clouds". Select the two imported scans and then select "Apply".
- Select “Evaluate > Tank Volume Analysis”
- For the Tank name field, enter Tank 1
- For the Tank cloud field, select the merged cloud (Cloud1).
- Select Volume Unit
- Users can set their reporting unit for the tank volume, including cubic yard, barrel, gallon, cubic meter, or liter.
- Set the “Cross-section Spacing” to 4 inches.
- Cross section spacing controls the height intervals on the report. For spacing of 4 inches, we will get a cross sectional area every 4 inches from the bottom of the tank.
- Uncheck “Slanted Tank”.
- This is useful if the tank is not vertical or horizontal.
- Check “Display result as a mesh”.
- This will display the resulting volume as a mesh.
- Select “Apply”.
- Note: Units will be in cubic yards when imperial units are detected as user units. Units will be liters or cubic meters otherwise.
Export and Review the Report
- In the report tab, select generate report.
- Review the report, included will be a summary table and several graphs that give volume information of the tank.
Congratulations, you have completed the tank volume analysis module! By now you should have a grasp of the following:
- A simple workflow from importing the files to producing a report of the volume analysis.
- Opening BuildIT, import a *FLS Cloud file.
- Performing the Tank Volume Analysis Command
- Exporting a report