Aligning a Coordinate System to a CAD Model in CAM2
One way you can align to a CAD model is using the Coordinate system referenced in the CAD model. To do this first make sure you are able to actually measure the features the CAD Coordinate system is created from. Sometimes you might need to construct features from other measured features to mimic the coordinate system.
1. Measure the features on the part to create the CAD Coordinate system shown on the CAD model.
2. Create a coordinate system using the measured features.
3. Go to Alignments tab and then Manage and select Coordinate System.
4. Go ahead and select the coordinate system that you just created for the Measured Coordinate System.
5. Next select the World Coordinate system under Nominal Coordinate System.
6. Lastly click Apply/Solve and this should align the part to the CAD.
If the coordinate system on the CAD is not possible to reproduce you can always create a new Coordinate system by using the Pick from CAD and creating this Coordinate System using the nominal features. You will then need to follow the steps above to create a Coordinate system from actual measured features.
Contact support if you have any questions.
Keywords: CAM2, CAD, Model, Measurement, System