Advanced Feature Extraction Options in CAM2
The purpose of this article is to detail and advise how to apply the advanced options that are available within the extracted feature Properties of circles, slots (round and rectangular), and lines.
Information: By default, all feature extractions are calculated using the Thin Material method. The user can also apply a Standard Projection method, as detailed in Help Sheets Feature Extraction Using Pick From CAD in CAM2 and Feature Extraction Using Selection Tools in CAM2.
In addition to the extraction methods, there are several advanced options that can be found in Properties once the feature is extracted. Planes, cylinders, cones, spheres and torus have no additional options, and always use standard projection.
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The following options are available in the feature Properties:
- Plane Definition
As 2D features, circles require a projection plane. By default, CAM2® will use the None option. This means that a plane will automatically be calculated using the surface points of the selected data, ignoring edge and wall points.
Should the user wish to project the circle to an existing plane, this can be done by selecting it from the Plane drop-down menu.
Use Offset Projection Plane
This option is only available when Plane = None, and allows the user to determine the parameters for how the data is selected for the extraction.
The distance from the edge of the circle that points should be ignored during plane.
The band width that will be used to include the points for fitting the Projection Plane
Only yellow points are used to calculate the plane.
Solver Method
By default, all extractions are calculated using the Standard (best fit) solver method.
From the pull-down the user can choose to use:
Standard (best fit)
The feature is calculated using all the selected points providing a best fit feature.
Minimum (Maximum Inscribed)
The largest feature using three or more data points and contains no data points inside the calculated feature, and give a smaller feature size.
Maximum (Minimum Circumscribed)
The largest feature using three or more data points and contains all data points inside the calculated feature, and give a larger feature size.
As detailed in Help Sheets Feature Extraction Using Pick From CAD in CAM2 and Feature Extraction Using Selection Tools in CAM2, there are 2 methods on calculating feature extraction.
From the pull-down, the user can select:
- Thin Material - This method only uses data on the face of the feature picked, and ignores any data that is captured on the feature inside ‘walls’.
- Standard Projection - this method uses data on the face and inside ‘walls’ of the feature picked.
Use Depth Scan
This option is only available when Sampling = Standard Projection, and allows the user to determine the parameters for how the data is selected for the extraction.
The distance down from the projection plane, that points should be ignored when calculating the circle. See diagram below.
The band width that will be used to include the points for calculating the circle, which will be projected onto the plane. See diagram below.
Only yellow points are used to calculate the circle.
Round and Rectangular Slots
The following options are available in the feature Properties:
- Plane Definition
As 2D features, slots require a projection plane. By default, CAM2 will use the None option. This means that a plane will automatically be calculated using the surface points of the selected data, ignoring edge and wall points.
Should the user wish to project the slot onto an existing plane, this can be done by selecting it from the Plane drop-down menu.
Use Offset Projection Plane
This option is only available when Plane = None, and allows the user to determine the parameters for how the data is selected for the extraction.
The distance from the edge of the slot that points should be ignored during plane.
The band width that will be used to include the points for fitting the Projection Plane
Only yellow points are used to calculate the plane.
Solver Method
By default, all extractions are calculated using the Standard (best fit) solver method.
From the pull-down the user can choose to use:
Standard (best fit)
The feature is calculated using all the selected points providing a best fit feature.
Minimum (Maximum Inscribed)
The largest feature using three or more data points and contains no data points inside the calculated feature, and give a smaller feature size.
As detailed in Help Sheets Feature Extraction Using Pick From CAD in CAM2 and Feature Extraction Using Selection Tools in CAM2, there are 2 methods on calculating feature extraction.
From the pull-down, the user can select:
- Thin Material - This method only uses data on the face of the feature picked, and ignores any data that is captured on the feature inside ‘walls’.
- Standard Projection - this method uses data on the face and inside ‘walls’ of the feature picked.
Use Depth Scan
This option is only available when Sampling = Standard Projection, and allows the User to determine the parameters for how the data is selected for the extraction.
The distance down from the projection plane, that points should be ignored when calculating the slot. See diagrams below.
The band width that will be used to include the points for calculating the slot, which will be projected onto the plane. See diagrams below.
Only yellow points are used to calculate the slot.
2D Line
The following options are available in the feature Properties:
- Plane Definition
2D lines require a projection plane. By default, CAM2 will use the None option. This means that a plane will automatically be calculated using the surface points of the selected data, ignoring edge and wall points.
Should the user wish to project the line onto an existing plane, this can be done by selecting it from the Plane drop-down menu.
Use Offset Projection Plane
This option is only available when Plane = None, and allows the user to determine the parameters for how the data is selected for the extraction:
The distance from the edge of the line that points should be ignored to calculate the plane.
The band width that will be used to include the points for fitting the Projection Plane
Only yellow points are used to calculate the plane.
- Extraction
Solver Method
From the pull-down the user can choose to use:
Standard (best fit)
The feature is calculated using all the selected points providing a best fit feature.
Calculated to the minimum material.
Calculated to the maximum material.
As detailed in Help Sheets Feature Extraction Using Pick From CAD in CAM2 and Feature Extraction Using Selection Tools in CAM2, there are 2 methods on calculating feature extraction.
From the pull-down, the user can select:
- Thin Material - This method only uses data on the face of the feature picked, and ignores any data that is captured on the feature inside ‘walls’.
- Standard Projection - this method uses data on the face and inside ‘walls’ of the feature picked.
Use Depth Scan
This option is only available when Sampling = Standard Projection, and allows the user to determine the parameters for how the data is selected for the extraction:
The distance down from the projection plane, that points should be ignored when calculating the line. See diagrams below.
The band width that will be used to include the points for calculating the line, which will be projected onto the plane. See diagrams below.
Only yellow points are used to calculate the line.
See Also
Help Sheet, EX003