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FARO® Knowledge Base

Video/Graphic Card or Microsoft DirectX Issues With CAM2 Software



If CAM2® does not display measured features, CAD models, or the primary coordinate system, if the software crashes at random times or when installing or opening the software, or if a Microsoft DirectX End-User Runtime error appears, you may be having issues with your video/graphics card or Microsoft DirectX. DirectX provides the core Windows technology that drives high-speed multimedia on your computer.

Due to the graphic nature of CAM2 software, it is dependent on the video/graphics card installed in your computer and DirectX functionality. To resolve problems involving these components, your computer needs to be running the latest video/graphics card driver and your version of DirectX must be compatible with CAM2 software.


Time to Complete 60 minutes
Skills Needed
  • Knowledge of Windows at the operating system level
  • Ability to do a Windows update
  • Familiarity with installing drivers and software
  • Internet connection
  • The computer that runs CAM2 software
Supported Software
  • CAM2
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Identify Video/Graphics Card Name

  1. On your computer desktop, right-click on the My Computer icon and click Manage.
  2. Click on Device Manager in the left-hand panel and expand Display Adapters in the right panel. The name of graphics card is listed.
  3. Right-click on the graphics card name and click Properties.
  4. Click the Driver tab to see the date and version of the driver.
    Windows Device Manager Screenshot

Check the System Configuration Meets Minimum Software Requirements

  1. Check the technical specifications for your specific CAM2 software.
  2. Check the technical specifications for your video/graphics card. Go the the website for the video/graphics card vendor and search for technical specifications.
  3. Compare them to the requirements discussed in the CAM2 software technical specifications. 

Install Important Windows Updates

Make sure your computer has all the latest Windows updates. Often new drivers and components are installed as part of an update.

  1. On your computer desktop, click the Windows Start button.
  2. In the Search box, type Windows Update and in the list of results under Programs, click Windows Update.
  3. In the window, click Check for updates. Windows checks for updates.
  4. If a list of important updates appears, click Install updates.
  5. When all updates have been installed, you might have to restart your computer.
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Install Latest Graphics/Video Card Driver

  1. Go to the website for the vendor that made the video/graphics card.
  2. Search for the name of you card and download its latest driver.
    For example, if you are using an NVidia card, search for the latest drivers at You may need to download the latest video/graphics card driver from the manufacturer of your computer. For example, if you use a Dell computer, go to and search for the latest driver.

Set Default Video/Graphics Card

If your computer has two video/graphics cards, set one as the system default. For the purposes of example, we use the NVIDIA video/graphics card. Substitute your video/graphics card name instead. You may have to look up instructions for your specific graphics cards online. 

  1. Right-click on the desktop and choose NVIDIA Control Panel.
  2. On the left hand side, select 3D Settings > Manage 3D Settings.
  3. Above I would like to use the following 3D settings, a drop-down box appears if there is more than one video/graphics card. Toggle the drop-down menu for the system to use the NVIDIA video/graphics card as the default. You can also set selected programs to use different video/graphics cards.

Here is another way to set the default graphics card if your computer has more than one card.

  1. Restart the computer.
  2. As the system logo is loading, press the F12 key to get to the system BIOS.
  3. Select BIOS Setup.
  4. From the BIOS screen, expand the Video group.
  5. Select Optimus.
  6. Un-check Enable Optimus.
  7. Select Apply at the bottom right.
  8. Select Exit at the bottom right.
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Download and Install Microsoft DirectX Driver

When you install the CAM2 software, if the internet is accessible, the software automatically downloads and installs Microsoft DirectX. If the internet is not accessible, you may have to install DirectX manually. Refer to the instructions from Microsoft on How to install the latest version of DirectX.

Here is how to check which DirectX version your computer is using.

  1. Click the Start button, type dxdiag in the search box, and press Enter.
  2. Click the System tab, and under System Information, check the DirectX version number.

NOTE: You may see DirectX 11 as the DirectX version number for DirectX 11.2 and DirectX 11.1.

See Also



invisible geometries, display, graphic card problems, video card problems, no features, cad display, nvidia, dual video cards, dual graphics cards, multiple graphics cards, multiple video cards, 2 graphics cards, 2 video cards, M10, direct x, d3dx9_41.dll, dll error