Tutorials for FARO Reality
FARO 360
This article contains various tutorials that will aid you in using FARO® Reality software. For quicker navigation, you can click a link below to be jump to the corresponding section in this article.
Add a Custom License Plate
This tutorial consists of a series of screen shots to in aid in the creation of a custom or user supplied license plate on a vehicle. Click here to learn more.
Blood Spatter Analysis
This tutorial covers the use of the FARO Reality Blood Spatter Analysis (BSA) tool. The BSA tool allows users to determine the back trajectory and possible Area of Convergence (source) of blood spatter on a wall or floor. Click here to learn more.
Custom Road Signs
This tutorial illustrates the creation of custom road signs that can be created using the Custom Signs tool . Click here to learn more.
Momentum Analysis
This tutorial guides you through the use of the Momentum Genius tool, generating momentum and damage data using the Simulated Angular Momentum Interactive (SAMI) and Simulated Collinear Momentum Interactive (SCMI) tools. Click here to learn more.
Structure Genius
The Structure Genius allows users to quickly and easily construct custom buildings. You can place windows and doors, and apply custom textures and images to surfaces. Click here to learn more.
Using Action Clips
This tutorial introduces a few of the features associated with the Reality Motion Studio. Topics covered are Placing a Motion Studio Model, Creating an Action Sequence, and Using Action Clips in an Animation Path. Click here to learn more.
Using PC-Crash Simulation Data
This tutorial will guide you though the steps of generating simulation time and 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) position data from PC-Crash simulations. Click here to learn more.
Using the Stand-alone Video Processor
The stand-alone video professor is provided to customers who are having a hard time recording animations with their FARO/ARAS software. It uses the frames recorded earlier by the program to encode the movie outside of the standard application. Click here for a step-by-step tutorial on how to use the stand-alone processor.