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FARO® Knowledge Base

Configure SSO on Webshare Enterprise



This articles intends to document how to configure SSO for each protocol available to WebShare Enterprise.

Protocols covered in this document:

  • SSO with LDAP
  • SSO with Microsoft Azure Active Directory
  • SSO with OpenID Connect
  • SSO with SAML 2.0
  • Custom DEX Connector



  • LDAPS root CA
    • Only necessary if using secure LDAP – LDAPS.
  • LDAP bind DN (required)
    • DN bind configured within the LDAP – ie: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org.
  • LDAP bind password (required)
    • The password for the bind configured withing the LDAP.
  • LDAP user base DN (required)
    • The starting point an LDAP server uses when searching for users authentication within your Directory – ie: ou=People.
Example configuration of SSO with LDAP

SSO with Microsoft Azure Active Directory


  • Redirect URI
    • Redirect URI to be configured in the Microsoft Azure Active Directory side, should look like “https://<your-domain/dex/callback”.
  • Directory tenant ID (required)
    • The ID of the directory tenant ID configured in Azure.
  • Application client ID (required)
    • The ID of the application created in Azure.
  • Client secret (required)
    • Secret created for the application created in Azure.
  • Allowed Groups (optional)
    • Alias of the groups within the Active Directory.
Example configuration of SSO with Microsoft Azure Active Directory

SSO with OpenID Connect


  • Redirect URI
    • Redirect URI to be configured in the OpenID issuer, should look like “https://<your-domain/dex/callback”.
  • Issuer URI (required)
    • The URL of the OpenID issuer portal.
  • Client ID (required)
    • Client ID configured within the OpenID issuer.
  • Client secret (required)
    • The secret configured for the Client ID configured within the OpenID issuer.
Example configuration for SSO with OpenID Connect

SSO with SAML 2.0


  • Redirect URI
    • Redirect URI to be configured in the Microsoft Azure Active Directory side, should look like “https://<your-domain/dex/callback”.
  • SAML Entity Issuer URL (required)
    • The entity Issuer of WSE, should look like “https://<your-domain/dex/”.
  • Identity provider login URL (required)
    • The URL of the identity provider login page
  • Identity provider certificate (optional - recommended)
    • Certificate body – full chain
  • SAML NameID format
    • Options available:
      • Persistent
      • emailAddress
      • unspecified
      • X509SubjectName
      • WindowsDomainQualifiedName
      • Encrypted
      • Entity
      • Kerberos
      • Transient
    • Configure the one that applies for the identity provider.
  • Username attribute
    • The attribute of the user name configured in the identity provider – ie: User ID
  • Email address attribute
    • The attribute of the email address configured in the identity provider
  • Group attribute (optional)
    • Attributes of the groups
  • Group delimiter
    • Only needed when all groups are returned by the SAML 2.0 server as a single string.
  • Allowed groups
    • Optionally specify one or more comma-separated groups to restrict access to WebShare Enterprise. Only users that are restricted access to WebShare Enterprise.
    • Only users that are a member of at least one of those groups will be allowed to log in.
Example configuration for SSO with SAML 2.0

Custom DEX Connector


  • Redirect URI
    • Redirect URI to be configured in the Microsoft Azure Active Directory side, should look like “https://<your-domain/dex/callback”.

  • Text box to fill the custom DEX configuration

Custom Dex Connector - Microsoft

Example configuration of SSO with Custom DEX Connector