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- Jul 10, 2017
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Software: Licensing-Installation
Here you will find common articles shared by all FARO software products, such as general install and licensing topics, service and support information, training details, warranty, and other corporate documents. For product specific information, please select your product from the homepage.
- Install & Licensing
- Install & Licensing
- Pages: 17
- Licensing Options for FARO Software
- FARO offers several types of licenses you can use to activate your software. Depending on the size of your organization and the way your users want to access the software, certain options may better meet your needs.
- FARO Licensing Manager Application
- The FARO Licensing Manager provides a single interface to manage all of your FARO software licenses from one convenient application. Activate a new license, manage and update licenses, and view active maintenance plans/expiration dates.
- Release Notes for FARO Licensing Manager
- This article lists the Release Notes for each version of the FARO Licensing Manager. The current version release notes are displayed at the top of the article. Previous revisions are contained in expanding sections below.
- Download, Installation, and Troubleshooting for FARO InTouch
- FARO InTouch is a software distribution and management application which streamlines the downloading, installation, updating and execution of FARO software. This article provides the download, installation and usage instructions, system and remote URL access requirements, as well as additional troubleshooting information.
- Release Notes for FARO InTouch
- This article lists the Release Notes for each version of FARO InTouch. The current version release notes are displayed at the top of the article. Previous revisions are contained in expanding sections below.
- License Activation for FARO Software
- Most FARO software requires a valid license to open and use it. As part of your FARO software purchase, you will receive a license key. This article will cover the ways you can activate your new single user license key.
- License Update for FARO Software
- The following article is intended for users upgrading to a newer version of software. When a new version of FARO software is released, the status of your software maintenance plan or subscription determines if you can run the latest software.
- Network License Server and Client Configuration
- Most FARO software requires a license to use it. System administrators can create a network license server to make a pool of licenses available to client computers running FARO software. Licenses are hosted on the license server and are shared with client computers over a network.
- License Transfer for FARO Software
- You can transfer a FARO license key from one computer to another. This is typically done when replacing an old computer with a new one. If both computers are running on the same local network this transfer can be done using the Transfer Key function. If one or both computers are offline, or not on the same network, then the RUS Utility must be used.
- HASP Driver Installation, Update and Repair
- The HASP driver is the central component of FARO software licensing and is automatically installed when you install FARO software. Always make sure you use the latest version of the HASP driver.
- TCP/UDP Port Used by the Sentinel HASP Driver and FARO Licensing System
- The Sentinel HASP driver and FARO licensing system rely on communication via specific TCP/UDP ports and URLs to function correctly.
- Replace or Upgrade Your Software License Dongle or Portlock
- If your dongle/portlock has been misplaced, damaged, stolen, is defective, or you would want to upgrade from a serial to a USB dongle, we can send you a replacement dongle.
- Statement of Volatility for Software License Portlocks or Dongles
- If you need details about memory addressability and usage on FARO license dongles, download this document.
- FARO Software List and Version Eligibility
- To view a list of eligible downloads for your license/product key, select the name of software and then enter the date when your maintenance plan (warranty) expired.
- FARO Software Trial Requests
- Fully functional 30-day trial licenses are available for all FARO software. Upon download of the software via the web form (located on FARO.com), a trial license request is automatically generated.
- Silent Installation of FARO Software
- In order to install software onto multiple machines, or at more convenient times, a batch file can be created to perform a silent installation. Included below is syntax information to help with the creation of these files. Only the software products listed below support silent installation.
- Licensing Errors
- Licensing Errors
- Pages: 10
- Licensing Issues After Windows Update
- It was recently discovered that following certain Windows 10 updates, users may experience issues with licensing / HASP drivers, where licenses are not being recognized.
- FARO Licensing Manager - Unexpected Behavior When Password is Required
- If the FARO Licensing Manager displays an endless loading screen it’s possible that the Sentinel Admin Control Center has been password protected by the user.
- Error-SafeNet Starting the Sentinel License Manager Service
- When you install the Sentinel HASP License Driver or try to run FARO software, if a message appears stating an error occurred when starting the Sentinel License Manager service (Status Code: 4858900), a conflicting service may be using the network port that the license manager service needs to use.
- Error-SafeNet Aksfridge Service With Parameters 1157 577 1 on HASP Driver Installation
- When installing the HASP driver, if an error message appears about a Sentinel Run-time Environment error for the aksfridge service with parameters 1157 577 1 and Status Code 48 5 733 577, the driver signature enforcement in the system Bios is enabled and causing an issue.
- Error-SafeNet Code 19 Required XML Tags Not Found When Applying a V2C File
- When you are updating your FARO® product license by applying the .V2C file you received in an email from FARO, you may see SafeNet Error Code 19, Required XML tags not found.
- Error-SafeNet Code 58 Invalid Recipient or Invalid XML Recipient Parameter
- You might see error code 58 that comes from the Sentinel Admin Control Center that says Invalid Recipient or Invalid XML Recipient Parameter when you are setting up a network license server or when assigning a network license to a client computer not attached to the server.
- Error-SafeNet Code 35845 Sentinel HASP License Driver
- During the process of updating and activating your FARO® software license key, if you are using the manual method of creating a C2V you may see error message 35845 about the SafeNet Sentinel HASP license driver. You can clear this message by following the step-by-step directions in this article.
- Error-Windows Code 1330 or Win Verify Trust Code 266 with the Cabinet (.Cab) File or an Invalid Digital Signature
- When you are installing a FARO device driver, whether by installing a specific FARO driver .exe file or as part of installing FARO software, you may get Windows error 1330 or the winverify trust error code 266.
- Error-Too Many Keys Connected When Obtaining a C2V File
- The "Too Many Keys Connected" error can be resolved by following these steps.
- Software Reference
- Software Reference
- Pages: 7
- Microsoft Windows Operating Systems That Are Compatible With FARO Software
- Make it easy on yourself and ensure your operating system supports FARO software before you install or upgrade.
- Linux Operating System Support for FARO Software
- We are often asked if FARO® software applications run on computers that use the Linux operating system (Linux OS). FARO software is developed to run on the Microsoft Windows operating system (Windows OS). We do not test or support our software running Windows inside Linux or using tools that allow you to run Windows-based software on Linux.
- Where Can I Find the MAC Address of My Computer
- A FARO automated process may request you enter your computer's MAC address or ID as part of a licensing process.
- License Cloning Protection
- When you activate your FARO software, the Sentinel License Manager creates a “fingerprint” of the computer on which the software is installed. This fingerprint contains a number of characteristics of the host computer or Docker container. The information is stored within the secure storage on the computer and is also returned to FARO.
- Log4j Vulnerability - FARO Assessment
- A vulnerability in Apache Log4j, (a widely used logging package for Java) has been announced. This vulnerability can allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code by sending crafted log messages. For more information on this vulnerability and available patches please refer to the Apache Log4j Security Vulnerabilities website.
- Remove the password protection from Sentinel ACC
- This article explains how to remove the password protection from Sentinel ACC.