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FARO® Knowledge Base

Download, Installation, and Troubleshooting for FARO InTouch


FARO® InTouch is a software distribution and management application which streamlines the downloading, installation, updating and execution of FARO software. With the auto-update option is enable, users can now benefit from always having the latest version installed, without the hassle of manually downloading and installing every time a new version is released. To reduce icon clutter on the desktop, InTouch allows individual FARO software applications to be launched directly from the InTouch UI.

Before downloading and installing InTouch, make sure you comply with the following System Requirements:

  • FARO InTouch is only compatible with Microsoft Windows 10/11.
  • Verify you have Windows administrator privileges.
  • Apply any pending Windows updates before installing.
  • Verify available disk space. During the installation at least three times the installer size (~350MB) is required.
  • After downloading the InTouch installer, run the installer only from a local drive.
  • Verify your computer can access the required InTouch remote URLs.

Required InTouch Remote URLs:

In order for InTouch to function properly, access to the following URL’s is required. If you are having issues installing or updating InTouch, ensure all hardware and software firewalls are allowing traffic to these locations.


Download FARO InTouch  Release Notes


Installing and Running InTouch

  1. Run the downloaded InTouch installer.
  2. Follow the onscreen prompts to install.
  3. The installation process will begin. The time taken will depend upon network speed and prerequisites that require installing.
  4. Once complete the user can choose to enable:
    • Auto Updates (recommended). With Auto Updates enabled, InTouch will manage the update process, and provide notifications when an application has been updated without any intervention from the user.
    • Launch InTouch
  5. Click Finish.
  6. InTouch will display both installed and available applications. To install an application simply click Install from the tile drop-down. It is possible to install several apps at the same time.
  7. Once installed, applications can be launched from within InTouch by clicking Run from the tile drop-down.
  8. Via the drop-down of each app there is also the option to repair the application. This will perform a reinstallation of the app, making sure it is properly installed.

Other Controls

Intouch1-23_SearchApps.png Search for an App by name.


Intouch1-23_ManualSync.png Manually synchronize licensing information. This button may be used if you are expecting to see a new version for a given FARO product.


Intouch1-23_SettingsIcon.png Settings - Disable/Enable the Auto-Updates of apps and Update Notifications.



Intouch1-23_HelpIcon.png Help - Provides the Service Status, Help Information, and the InTouch Version

Intouch1-23_Service Status.png

Repairing InTouch

To repair the InTouch installation, download and run the latest InTouch installer and choose the option to Repair.


Closing and Uninstalling InTouch

Closing the InTouch application window only minimizes it, the application will remain running in the background. The InTouch application can only be shut down via the Windows taskbar. Right-click on the InTouch icon and choose Quit.


To Uninstall InTouch, run the InTouch installer and choose the option to Uninstall. This will uninstall InTouch and all the FARO applications that were installed through it.



If the information provided in this section does not correct the issue, please contact FARO Support.

Troubleshooting InTouch Setup

  • Make sure you are using the latest version of the InTouch installer. You can update to the latest version by running the latest installer and choosing the option “Update”.
  • Confirm that your computer complies with the system requirements listed at the top of this article.

Troubleshooting the InTouch App

  • Confirm that your computer complies with the system requirements listed at the top of this article.
  • Verify you are using the latest version of InTouch. You can update to the latest version by clicking on the Update button on the InTouch tile or by running the latest installer and choosing the option to Update.
    • InTouch version 1.2.24 or earlier cannot be updated using the InTouch app. To update these older versions, download the latest InTouch installer from the link provided above. Once downloaded, run the installer and choose the Update option.
  • If the latest version is already installed, please repair the InTouch installation by running the latest InTouch installer and choosing the option to Repair.

The Help Panel of InTouch can help identify if a problem has been detected, as highlighted by the Help Panel iconIntouch1-23_HelpIconWDot.png

A summary of the common causes and solutions related to InTouch Service Status are listed below:

Problem Cause Solution
Remote Server Unavailable:

  • Unstable/No internet connection
  • The remote service is unreachable


  1. Make sure there’s a stable Internet connection.
  2. Try again in a couple of minutes to check if the remote service is available.
  3. Restart the InTouch service via Windows Services.


Local InTouch Service Unavailable:

  • InTouch service is not running
  • Mosquitto MQTT service is not running
  1. Ensure the InTouch service is running via Windows Services.
  2. Ensure the Mosquitto MQTT service is running via Windows Services.
  3. Reboot the PC and try again.
Mosquitto MQTT Service is Unavailable:

  • Mosquitto MQTT service is not running;
  • If the Mosquitto MQTT service stops, the InTouch service will stop as well.
  • If the Mosquitto MQTT service stops, the InTouch Service will attempt to restart the Mosquitto MQTT after a few seconds
  • If the Mosquitto MQTT was uninstalled from the PC (after the service was stopped), then the Repair option of the InTouch setup will reinstall the Mosquitto MQTT. With that, it will be correctly installed and InTouch should start successfully.
  • If the Mosquitto MQTT was uninstalled from the PC (before the service was stopped), please contact FARO Support.

InTouch Errors

  1. InTouch cannot load any apps

Some people occasionally reported that InTouch cannot load any apps, even though all the services are running:


In this situation please follow these steps:

  • Go to the hidden icons in the tray-bar, right click on the InTouch icon, and choose the option to Quit Intouch.
  • Run the latest InTouch installer (can be downloaded from here), and choose the option to "Repair".
  • If that doesn’t work, quit the “Repair”, run the installer again and choose the option to uninstall. 
  • After that, run the installer again to do a fresh installation