Here is how to generally interpret the serial number for any FARO® device.
M - Model
LL - Length
V - Vertical
A - Configuration Code
YY - Manufacture Year
XXXXX - 5-Digit Serial Number
M - Model
LL - Length
V - Vertical
A - Configuration Code
B = Bronze
C = Advantage
E = Edge
F = Gage
G = Gold
L = Millennium
N = Titanium
P = Platinum
Q = Legacy-Quantum
R = Prime
S = Silver
T = Sterling
U = Fusion
W = Quantum Series
A = Max
X = Quantum X
04 = 4 foot
06 = 6 foot
08 = 8 foot
10 = 10 foot
12 = 12 foot
15 = 1.5 meter
20 = 2.0 meter
25 = 2.5 meter
30 = 3.0 meter
35 = 3.5 meter
40 = 4.0 meter
0 – Standard
S – Quantum S
M – Quantum M
E – Quantum E
D – Design (or Digital Template)
C – Design (Color)
N – Design (Monochrome)
B – Bluetooth Gage
L – Standard Gage
P – Power Gage
* Since these were manufactured during the same time period, these two models have the same serial number range. Please refer to the label on bottom of the handle for model identification.
Format: TA1-YY-XXXXX
T - Product Identifier
A - Configuration Code
YY - Manufacture Year
XXXXX - 5-Digit Serial Number
A - Configuration Code
F – Factory Metrology
D – Design Vertical
FARO Trackers
Vantage E & S Models
Format: FF000MYXXXXX
FF – Family
M – Model
Y – Last Digit of Manufacture Year
XXXXX – 5-Digit Serial Number
V2 = Vantage E/S with built-in MCU
1 = Vantage S (manufactured 2019 or earlier)
V3 = Vantage E6/S6
2 = Vantage S (manufactured 2020 or later)
3 = All Vantage E
Vantage and Ion Models
Format: MMM00YY0XXXX
MMM – Model
YY – Last Two Digits of Manufacture Year
XXXX – 4 Digit Serial Number
V01 = Vantage (Legacy Vantage with External MCU)
Y02 = Ion with IFM
Y01 = Ion
Laser Projector
TracerM V1 / LPT8
MMMMM - Model
RRR - Revision
YY - Manufacture Year
WW - Manufacture Week
XXXX - 4-Digit Serial Number
MMMMM - Model
RRR - Revision
YY - Year
WW - Week
XXXX - 4 Digit Serial Number
LPT80 = TracerM V1 / TracerM V1 Class 2
040 = Class 1
CL2 = Class 2
TracerM V2 / TracerSI
Format: MMM-0-R-00-L-YY-WW-0-XXXX
MMM - Model
0 - Place Holder
R - Revision
00 - Place Holder
L - Laser Class
YY - Manufacture Year
WW - Manufacture Week
0 - Place Holder
XXXX - 4-Digit Serial Number
MMM - Model
R - Revision
L - Laser Class
YY - Year
WW - Week
XXXX - 4 Digit Serial Number
TRS = TracerSI
TRM = TracerM
1 = V1
2 = V2
3 = V2 (different Galvos)
2 = Class 2
3 = Class 3
Identifying other FARO® Products Including Legacy FaroArms and LLPs
The first segment defines the device and model.
The second segment represents the length or volume, or is just a place holder.
The third segment shows the year of manufacture.
The fourth segment designates the location of manufacture or is just a place holder.
The fifth segment is the four digit unique serial number for your specific device.