Accuracy Effects When Using a Custom Pointing Compensation with the Laser Tracker
Self Compensation and Quick Compensation is designed to bring the tracker into our tolerances over the full range of the tracker. A Pointing Compensation performed over a shorter distance than the standard 10 meters should bring the tracker into our tolerances at long range. There is a possibility that if the environment is very good, a slight improvement in the backsight error from a full 10 meter pointing compensation when compared to a Self Compensation or Quick Compensation or a shortened pointing compensation may be seen.
It is not necessary to increase the distance of the Pointing Compensation to bring the tracker within our tolerances at longer ranges. If environmental conditions are not a factor, performing compensation over 20 meters may result in slightly lower backsight errors at the longer distances. However, if environmental conditions are poor, increasing the distance may result in no change or decreased performance of the Pointing Compensation.
Keywords: Pointing, COMPit, Tracker, Pointing Comp