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Laser Tracker

Vantage S

Vantage S6

Vantage E

Vantage E6






FARO® Knowledge Base

Firmware Download and Installation for the Laser Tracker


Without the right firmware, the FARO® Laser Tracker Vantage might not work correctly. When FARO releases new firmware or software, you may have to upgrade the firmware.

TIP: When your Laser Tracker comes back from factory servicing, the factory upgrades the firmware for you.

Proceed to the section below that matches the model of your Laser Tracker.

Vantage S and E



NOTE: This version of firmware cannot be uploaded to all Trackers.

Supported Hardware:  FARO Vantage S/E, S6/E6, S6/E6 Max


Date Version  
23 May 2024 3.1.3


Change Summary

What is New

Here are some highlights that describe the new features and enhancements in this release.

  • Fixed "Findme" and "Followme" bug for 6Dof trackers when paired with 6Probe
  • Fixed a bug in camera drive and visual drive where sometimes releasing the arrow key does not stop the tracker axes movement
  • Added a request to send tracker home when tracker has determined it is necessary
  • Implemented safety feature to handle a rare internal database corruption. Power cycle of the tracker will restore database without corruption.

Download, Save, and Unzip the Firmware

  1. Download the firmware.
  2. It may take a few minutes to complete the download. Do not close your browser or shut off your computer while the download is in progress.
    When the download is complete, you should see the file in your browser's download folder.
  3. Unzip the .zip file and put the firmware .tar file on the desktop.
  4. Go to Connect the Tracker and Computer to continue.

Connect the Tracker and Computer

The Tracker firmware can be installed only when your computer is connected to the Tracker using a direct Ethernet connection. You cannot update the firmware using a wireless connection between the computer and the Tracker.

  1. Connect the main power/communication cable to the Tracker.
  2. Connect the Ethernet cable to the Tracker and the computer.
  3. Connect the AC power cord to the Tracker.
  4. Turn on the Tracker. Wait approximately 3 minutes until the Tracker completes its boot cycle.
  5. After turning the Tracker on, if the WiFi button is blue, press the button once to completely disable WiFi prior to updating the firmware. 
  6. Go to Verify Firmware Compatibility to continue.

Verify Firmware Compatibility

  1. From the Windows Start menu click Programs > FARO > FARO Utilities x.x. > FARO Utilities.
  2. In the Tracker Index Number field, type the last four digits of the Tracker serial number and click Connect.
  3. Click OK to connect to the Tracker.  After the connection is complete, a new Utilities screen appears.
  4. Click Diagnostics and select the Version Info tab. Make note of the MCU version number and proceed as follows:
    • If the MCU version number is less than 2.x*:
      A field upgrade of the firmware is not possible. Contact FARO Support to send your Tracker in for servicing.
    • If the MCU version number is greater than 2.x but less than 3.0.1:
      You must first update the Tracker firmware to version 3.0.1 before updating to the latest firmware. Click here to download the 3.0.1 firmware:
      • Note: Version 3.0.1 firmware uses the .sh file extension.
    • If the MCU version number is 3.0.1 or greater:
      Go to Load the Firmware section to continue.

Note: Even if your tracker has MCU Version 2.x or higher, you may receive a message stating “The firmware file you are attempting to load is currently incompatible with this Tracker.”  If this occurs, the internal configuration of the specific unit has not yet been updated to be compatible with this firmware. Please contact FARO Support.

Load the Firmware

  1. In FARO Utilities, click Firmware Loader… .
  2. Click Browse and navigate to your desktop where you stored the firmware .tar file.
  3. Click Install Firmware. The firmware Installer connects to the Tracker and transfers the new firmware file to the Tracker. Do not turn the Tracker off at this time, as that can damage the Tracker. While uploading the firmware, several of the lights on the Tracker may blink. 
  4. When loading is complete, a confirmation notification appears. Click OK to acknowledge the notification.
  5. Click Quit to close the firmware loader and click Disconnect to disconnect the computer from the Tracker.
  6. Click Close to close FARO Utilities.
  7. Turn the Tracker off, then turn it back on to complete the firmware update.
  8. Check that your Tracker is operational.

Your Tracker is ready to use. 


Laser Tracker Vantage Icon


NOTE: This version of firmware cannot be uploaded to all Trackers.

Supported Hardware:  FARO Laser Tracker Vantage legacy models only.
This firmware is not compatible with the VantageS or VantageE Laser Tracker

Click the link to download the latest Vantage Master Control Unit (MCU) Firmware.

Date Version Download
13 Jan 2021


Improvements to reported timestamp during measurements taken with time interval

Download, Save, and Unzip the Firmware

  1. After downloading the file, you should see the file in your browser's download folder.
  2. Unzip the .zip file and put the firmware .bin file on the desktop.

Connect the Tracker, MCU, and Computer

The Tracker MCU firmware can be installed only when your computer is connected to the Tracker using a direct Ethernet connection. You cannot update the firmware using a wireless connection between the computer and the Tracker.

  1. Connect the main power/communication cable between the Tracker head and MCU.
  2. Connect the Ethernet cable to the MCU and the computer.
  3. Connect the AC power cord to the MCU.
  4. Turn on the MCU. Wait approximately one minute until the Tracker completes its boot cycle.

Verify Firmware Compatibility

  1. From the Windows Start menu click Programs > FARO > FARO Utilities x.x. > FARO Utilities.
  2. In the Tracker Index Number field, type the last four digits of the Tracker serial number and click Connect.
  3. Click OK to connect to the Tracker.  After the connection is complete, a new Utilities screen appears.
  4. Click Diagnostics and select the Version Info tab. Verify that the versions of firmware listed meet these compatibility requirements.
    • Payload:   Version or higher
    • Azimuth Servo:  Version or higher
    • Zenith Servo:  Version or higher
  5. If the version numbers are not compatible, contact FARO Support to send your Tracker in for servicing.

Load the Firmware

  1. In FARO Utilities, click Firmware Loader… .
  2. Click Browse and navigate to your desktop where you stored the firmware .bin file.
  3. Click Install Firmware. The firmware Installer connects to the MCU to transfer the new firmware file to the MCU. Do not turn the Tracker off at this time, as that can damage the MCU.
  4. When loading is complete, a confirmation notification appears. Click OK to acknowledge the notification.
  5. Click Quit to close the firmware loader and click Disconnect to disconnect the computer from the Tracker.
  6. Click Close to close FARO Utilities.

Confirm Results

Turn the Tracker off and then back on to complete the firmware update and check that your Tracker is operational. Your Tracker is ready to use.

ION, Si, X, and Xi


NOTE: This version of firmware cannot be uploaded to all Trackers.

Supported Hardware:  FARO Laser Tracker ION, Si, X, and Xi models only

Click the link to download the latest version of the FARO Laser Tracker ION, Si, X, and Xi firmware.

Date Version Download
06/2011 5.4.2 Click here


  1. Download the firmware. It may take a few minutes to complete the download. Do not close your browser or shut off your computer while the download is in progress.
  2. When the download is complete, you should see the firmware in your browser's download folder.
  3. Unzip the file, installation directions are included in the .zip file.