Unresponsive or Erratic Button Behavior on the Serial FaroArm
If the arm communication is skipping some registrations, (i.e. if you hit your button 10 times and it only records 6 or 7 of those hits) then one cause may be that the baud rates are not in sync. This can happen with the traditional Serial-COM1 port as well as a PCMCIA Serial-COM4 port adapter. The recommended baud rate for the CAM2 software is 38400 bps (bits/sec or baud rate). Most computers have their com ports set to a default of 9600 bps, and autosync correctly with the CAM2 setting of 38400 bps.
However with Dell laptops, you need to manually set BOTH the computer baud rate to 57600 bps and the CAM2 software baud rate to 57600 bps (no higher or lower) for the communication to work correctly.
communication, dell, laptop, skipping, points