Error-Faro.Devices.Core.DacServiceExehost.Exe When Opening Measure Q
Measure Q
The workaround for DacService crash in Measure Q is:
1. Run the Device Control Panel from Start menu by itself without Measure Q (found in the Programs Menu under FARO).
2. If you still get the DacService crash when running the Device Control Panel alone, locate the two dlls below from C:\Program Files\FARO\Measure Q 1.0 and move them to Desktop for the meantime. This will force the service to only load the USB Arm without the Laser Tracker.
a. Faro.Devices.DacControlPanel.Modules.FaroLaserTracker.dll
b. Faro.Devices.Implementations.FaroLaserTracker.dll
3. Now, launch the Device Control Panel again by itself.
Keywords: dac error, Faro.Devices.Core.DacServiceExehost.exe, dac, Measure q, crash