Add More Than One Video File in Geoslam Hub
GeoSLAM Software
This article explains how to import more than one video in the GeoSLAM Hub from the "Add Video" option.
Users can add mutliple videos in HUB to colourise large scans. It is users responsibility to know which videos are paired with which scans.
Users tend to make multiple scans in the field with multiple videos corresponding to those scans and therefore it is advisable to know which videos correspond to which scans as one scan can have multiple videos been paired to it.
We recommend to have a USB stick so users may download each scan with its corresponding videos and store them to a folder named as the raw data e.g. 2021-01-01_01-01-01.geoslam is the scan name - users may create a folder into the USB stick with that name and move the raw scan with the video(s) corresponding to that file name and move on to the next scan.
Note: ZEB CAM on large scans splits the video into multiple smaller ones - each video is approx. 8 minutes. For instance, if the user makes 20 minutes of duration scan with video, it will be expected to see 3 videos 2 videos of 8 minutes and 1 of 4 minutes).