Application Setup Options for Measure 3.92 and 4.0
Application Setup Options:
The Application tab contains the Measure setup options. Each option has a set of values that can be changed and saved. The Current File window displays the name of the default preference file or the most recently saved preference file name. Saved preferences can be used for the current measurement file or as the default that loads each time Measure is started.
The following is a list of the system setup options:
Auto Plane Selection:
Set the automatic repeat default to Define or Last plane used for 2D features.
After measuring a feature, all Measure commands prompt you to measure another feature. If the value is LAST, then the second feature projects to the same plane as the first feature. If the value is DEFINE, you are prompted to measure a plane for the second feature.
Collection Mode:
When the value is Take/Confirm, a point is measured each time the Front button is pressed. Press the Back button to confirm the point. Measure another point by pressing the Front button again or press the Back button to exit the command.
When the value is Take/No Confirm, a point is measured each time the Front button is pressed. If the BACK button is held down, points are erased at the rate of one per second until the Back button is released or there are no more points to erase. Press the Back button quickly to exit the command.
Home In Sounds:
NORMAL - Sounds a tone when the probe is in the tolerance zone.
SCREAMING WEASEL - Varies the pitch of the tone depending on the distance to the target. As you get closer to the target the tone goes up in pitch, and as you move farther away the tone goes down in pitch. Once inside the tolerance zone, the tone drops to a constant pitch.
Surface Inspection:
When using the Inspect Surface command from the Measure <Point menu, points measured can be calculated with or without compensation for the probe radius.
Device As Mouse:
When the value is On, the mouse responds to the movement of the measuring device.
Dynamic Surface Display:
This preference is for the Home In, Inspect Surface, and surface edge commands from the Measure < Point menu. Selecting On displays a dynamic view of the probe as it continuously calculates the distance to the surface and an approximation of the surface edge point.
When Dynamic Surface Display is Off, the calculation to the surface is not done until the point has been digitized.
Nominal Vector Selection:
Select User Toggle to manually choose the direction of the vector when constructing features.
Choose Automatic and Measure selects the direction of vector. This preference follows the right-hand rule.
Number of Digits for Label:
Changes the number of digits in a measured, constructed, or nominal label. The default is three digits (e.g., M_CIRCLE001_I). This also applies to the digits when multiple measured features are automatically associated to a single nominal feature
(e.g., N_CIRCLE005-001, N_CIRCLE005-002).
Default Units:
Select Inches or Millimeters as your default unit of measure. This preference can be saved to load on startup.
Keywords: application, options, setup