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Measure X

Measure 3/4

FARO® Knowledge Base

New features in Measure X from Measure 4

What is New in Measure X V1.0

The following sections describe new functions and commands that have been added to Measure X, as well as the enhancements made to existing Measure X commands.


•New Graphics/CAD engine. There are now two Measure X file types; FARO CAD data (*.fcm), and FARO Measure X (*.fce). This allows multiple measurement files to reference a single CAD file instead of each file containing all of the CAD part data.

•On Screen Labels. Add, move and modify on-screen labels. Set the visibility and content for each feature using the REVIEW FEATURES command.

•Feature Constraints. Set parameters for feature calculation. For more information,

•New Hot Keys.

•New Cross Section Measurements and Single Table of Features report formats.

File Menu

•Insert submenu

•Add multiple CAD Parts to a single drawing.

•Add a Folder to organize multiple CAD parts.

•Add a Picture, or image file, to a drawing.

•CAD Translator replaces the CAD Import command. See "CAD Translator" on page 61. Measure X supports IGES, VDA, CATIA® v4 and v5, Unigraphics®, Parasolid®, SolidWorks®, Solid Edge® and OpenNURBS formats.

•CAD Part Properties. Modify the properties of each CAD Part including mirror, offset, and color.

•Export Features. Export the measurement features to a CAD file in the IGES format.

•Labels command removed. Adding on-screen labels is now a property of a feature.

•Mirror command removed. Mirroring a complete file will be available in a future version.

Review Features

•Nominal Whiskers. Add Whiskers to show the deviation from measured to nominal.

•Labels Tab

•Modify on-screen labels and edit the label format for each feature.

•Constraints Tab

•Control the calculation of a feature with a value.

Part Preferences

•Labels. Modify the default on-screen label settings for each feature type.

•Constraints. Control the calculation of a feature with a value.

•New Miscellaneous Part Preferences:

•Place Features on Current Layer. Features will add to the current layer, and not to a specific layer.

•Auto Trigger Home In. Measure Home In points automatically when the probe enters the Home In Zone.

•Compensation Point Mode. Measure Surface points using a global compensation point

The View Menu

•New Zoom commands.

•New Pan commands.

•New Rotate commands.

•Arrange Labels. Automatically arrange the on-screen labels.

•Center View. Choose a feature to center the screen view.

•Full Screen. Set the view so the drawing screen fills the monitor screen.

•Grid. Add a grid to any view.

•Insert View. Add multiple view windows to the drawing file.

•Modify all Hot Keys.

•New Layers command. Control Layers using Filters.

•Export to Image. Export the current view to a graphics file.

•Send. E-mail the current view using an electronic mail system.

•Design Mode. Switch to design to modify view windows.

The Measure Menu

•Add Labels to a feature in the MEASUREMENT RESULTS dialog box.

•Set Constraints to a feature in the MEASUREMENT RESULTS dialog box.

The Construct Menu

         •Additional options in the 3-2-1 Coordinate System command create a Line/Line/Point coordinate system.

         •Additional options in the Construct Line: Parallel command.

         •Additional options in the Construct Line: Perpendicular command.

The Dimension Menu

•Whiskers command removed. The Nominal Whiskers is now a property of a feature and is controlled using the REVIEW FEATURES command.

Keywords: X, x, Measure 5.0, Measure, Measure, 5, 5.0, Upgrade, New software, update