Calibration Certificate Does Not Contain Measurements of a NIST Traceable Artifact for the Laser Tracker
The calibration certificate certifies critical components of the FARO Tracker Models ION, X, Xi, and SI that are NIST traceable but it does not contain tracker measurements of a NIST traceable artifacts. When this tracker was developed, there was no standardized method for calibrating or certifying a tracker using such artifacts. There are a variety of tests performed using specific geometries and test setups to verify that the tracker is measuring within our specifications throughout the measurement volume. Our procedures dictate that a tracker can not complete the calibration process until all of these tests have successfully passed.
An optional calibration certificate following the ASME B89.4.19 calibration procedures which does contain traceable artifacts is available on request.
See Also
nist, calibration, certificate, nist certificate, calibration certificate