TrackArm Setup with PolyWorks
- Last updated
- Aug 25, 2023
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Legacy Quantum
Laser Tracker
Vantage S
Vantage S6
Vantage E
Vantage E6
The FARO® TrackArm system can be setup in PolyWorks® using the FaroArm and FARO Laser Tracker. The TrackArm configuration provides easy way of measuring complex and oversize parts while providing the most accurate measurements.
Note: Localization needs to be completed first prior to any measurements or alignments being taken by the Arm or Tracker.
Software Setup
- Launch the PolyWorks Workspace Manager.
- Select Save As and rename the project.
- Ensure Plug-ins for the FaroArm/LLP and Laser Tracker are active (this is a one-time step).
- Select Tools > Options
- Check the boxes next to the "FaroArm and Laser Line Probe" and the "Faro Laser Tracker", click Apply and then OK.
- Select Tools > Options
FaroArm Setup
- Ensure the FaroArm is connected. Select FaroArm within the dropdown and select Connect Device.
- Reference the encoders of the FaroArm.
- Select Device Properties > Select Probe.
- Select the probe currently installed and then click on Hole Compensation.
- For a video demonstration of the compensation procedure, see: Ball Probe Compensation with FaroArm
- For a video demonstration of the compensation procedure, see: Ball Probe Compensation with FaroArm
Laser Line Probe (LLP) Setup
- Ensure the FaroArm is connected and the LLP is installed.
- Select "Faro Laser Line Probe" from the Scan menu and connect.
- For more information on the compensation procedure of the LLP, see: Compensating the Laser Line Probe (LLP) Using USB FaroArm Driver 6.1.0 and Later
- For more information on the compensation procedure of the LLP, see: Compensating the Laser Line Probe (LLP) Using USB FaroArm Driver 6.1.0 and Later
LLP Tips:
Laser Tracker Setup
- Ensure the Laser Tracker is connected and then select "Faro Laser Tracker" within the dropdown and select Connect Device.
- Startup Checks will now initialize.
- Always let the Laser Tracker thermally stabilize. This includes Laser Tracker, tripod, and part to be measured
- Use "Scheduled Power On" feature to turn the Laser Tracker on automatically. The Laser Tracker must be connected to a power source.
- When using the Laser Tracker for measurements, ensure the correct SMR and/or adapter is selected.
- Click the Device Properties icon.
- Select CompIT and click Start Selected.
- Run an Angular Accuracy Check and follow on-screen prompts.
- Run a Quick Compensation in the direction of measurement.
- Run an Angular Accuracy Check and follow on-screen prompts.
TrackArm Localization
- With Laser Tracker and FaroArm both connected and configured, ensure the Laser Tracker is active and select Localize Device.
- Under Device Localization probe select Define.
- Ensure you have your TrackArm probe connected to your FaroArm.
- Secure the SMR Puck to a sturdy surface, placed at 2/3rds of the reach of the FaroArm. Place the metal ball onto the TrackArm Probe and complete an Arm compensation for the TrackArm Probe.
- Properties will automatically populate; enter an acceptable RMS deviation tolerance.
- Perform the TrackArm localization process.
- Press and hold green button while moving up and down (head to waist); left-to-right (arms reach); and forward and backward (two steps).
- Click red button to finalize.
- Once complete, the device localization message box will display which includes the measured RMS Deviation and Max Deviation.
- Once you are ready to move the arm to the next position select Move Device.
- Choose Device Localization for your Alignment method and select OK. You will then complete another localization with the TrackArm.
- Continue measuring the part with the FaroArm.