Error Codes and Messages for SCENE 4.8
Error Messages in Scene 4.8:
The application must be started once by someone with sufficient privilege to register controls. Otherwise several modules won't work as expected. You should at least have "Power User" rights. - SCENE must be started at least once by a power user or administrator to ensure all functions can be executed smoothly
Version of model is not supported - The workspace was saved with a later version of SCENE and cannot be read by your version. Use a later version of SCENE.
Version of scan is not supported - The scan was saved with a later version of SCENE and cannot be read by your version. Use a later version of SCENE.
Failed to rename 'Scan'. Renaming scan files is not permitted! - You cannot rename scans.
One or several objects failed to read in successfully. Please check properties of marked objects. - The workspace contains scans that do not exist as a file.
Not all contents of 'Object' were copied successfully. One or several children are bound to their original location. - When copying objects that were created by a fit, it is not possible to also copy the fit object to the new location.
The move request was rejected, because either 'Object' or one of its children is bound to its current location. - Some objects cannot be moved or copied to different locations, for example fit objects, or unloaded pictures.
error, messages, scene 4.8, code