FARO Products No Longer Eligible for Repair or Certification
According to your license agreement, legacy FARO® devices that need to be serviced are evaluated by factory technicians, who offer you service and repair options for as long as knowledge, materials, and resources are available. FARO makes every reasonable effort to repair your Legacy devices and issue calibration certificates when possible. However, once materials and resources have been exhausted, FARO can no longer offer repair, calibration, or certification of these devices.
The following FARO products are no longer eligible for repair, calibration, or certification:
Laser Scanner
- 420/840/880HE
- Photon 20/80/120
- Focus3D 20
- Focus3D 120
- Trimble TX5
- Focus3D X 30
- Focus3D X 130
- Focus3D X 330
- Focus 3D X HDR
- Gold, Silver, Sterling, Bronze and Digital Template
- Space Arm
- Inverted Arm
- Legacy Gage (Gen3)
Laser line Probe (LLP)
- V1
- V2
Laser Tracker
- SMX Tracker
- SI/I Tracker
- X/Xi v1 Tracker
Laser Projector
- LPT1, LPT2, LPT4, LPT5, LPT10, and LPT12
FARO is dedicated to providing the best products and services to enable you to optimize your business operations and your measurement technology investment. Contact your FARO Representative to discuss possible trade-in options, transition plans or any further end of life and end of warranty questions you may have. Click here to learn about the newest FARO products.