Creating and Activating Probe Tips for the 6Probe
Laser Tracker
Vantage S6
Vantage E6
In this 4-minute video, learn how to create a probe tip using a blank template or one of the provided templates. Then activate the probe in preparation for Probe Compensation for use with the 6Probe.
Note: The following video pertains only to the 6Probe v1.0 and not the 6Probe v2.0 currently being shipped. 6Probe v2.0 information can be found in the Laser Tracker user manual.
See Also
- Pairing the 6Probe with the Vantage S6 and E6 Laser Tracker Video
- Probe Compensation for the 6Probe
- Probe Check Routine for the 6Probe
- User Manual for the Vantage S and E Laser Tracker
6probe, tracker, video probe tips, tips