Differences between the SI Tracker and X/Xi Laser Tracker
Laser Tracker
The first tracker released by FARO® was the SI. The S indicated that it was manufactured with the SuperADM system the I indicates that it has an Interferometer. Later the, X and Xi trackers were introduced with the X indicating XtremeADM.
Tech sheets are no longer available for the Si tracker but, the only difference between the SI tracker and the Xi tracker is that the Xi has the ability to collect accurate measurements when scanning in Absolute Distance Meter (ADM) Only where the SI tracker does not. Almost all trackers that were manufactured as SI’s have had the optional Xi upgrade performed.
The accuracy specifications for the Si tracker are the same as the published specifications for the V1 tracker.
Provided that an SI tracker has been serviced since the release of the X/Xi tracker (approximately Dec 2005), it would have all the same features as the current V1 & V2 models such as Smart Warmup, R0 Thermal Compensation and Az Post Thermal Compensation.
Keywords: SI Tracker, SuperADM, V1 Tracker