In this article you can find a list of Keyboard Shortcuts that you can use to quickly start some CAM2 commands.
ALT + ENTER - Feature Properties
ALT + F4 - Exit CAM
Backspace - Remove Last Point
CRTL +0 - Open file
CRTL +B - Generate Barcode
CRTL +N - New file
CRTL +P - Preferences
CRTL +S - Save file
CRTL + Shift + L - Open Log Directory
Delete - Delete any selected item
Enter - Repeat Last Command
ESC - Cancels the Current Measurement
Home - Reset
Insert - Add ReadingsSHIFT + A - Measure All
Shift + Alt + Enter - Full Screen
SHIFT + R - Measure
Spacebar - Change Selection Mode
One Letter Command Shortcuts
Minus Sign (-) on keyboard - Decrease Whisker Scale
Minus Sign (-) on numeric keypad - Zoom Out
Number Sign (#) - Grid
Period (.) on numeric keypad - Rotate Around Z Clockwise
Plus Sign (+) on keyboard - Increase Whisker Scale
Plus Sign (+) on numeric keypad - Zoom In
0 - Isometric NW
0 on numeric keypad - Rotate Around Z Counterclockwise
1 on numeric keypad - Rotate Around Y Counterclockwise
2, 4, 6, 8 on numeric keypad - Pans the view in the specified direction
3 on numeric keypad - Rotate Around Y Clockwise
4 - +X/-X View
5 - +Y/-Y View
6 +Z/-Z View
7 - Isometric SE
7 on numeric keypad - Rotate Around X Counterclockwise
8 - Isometric SW
9 - Isometric NE
9 on numeric keypad - Rotate Around X Clockwise
A - Manage Alignments Alignment
Arrow keys - Pans the view in the specified direction
B - Set Backsight
C - Coordinate System Coordinate System Alignment
D - Show Feature Window
E - Reset Zoom
G - Record Measurement
H - Record End Click
I - Zoom In
L - Labels
M - Move Device
O - Zoom Out
P - Device Center
R - Reset View
S - Switch between the three shaded and wireframe views
T - Motor On Off
V - Drive Beam
W - Zoom To Area
X - Change Measurement Mode
Two Letter Command Shortcuts
F1 - Help
F2 - Measuring a Point
F3 - Measuring a Plane
F4 - Measuring a 2D Line
F5 - Measuring an Inspect Surface Point
F10 - Measuring a Circle
F11 - Measuring a Cylinder
F12 - Measuring a Sphere
Right-click in areas of the CAM2 window or control panels to quickly access commands.
Any Panel's Title Bar
*Auto Hide - Set the panel to Auto Hide mode.
+ Dock - Move and attach a floating panel to the edge of the screen.
+ Floating - Undock a panel from the edge of the screen.
+ Hide - Temporarily hide a panel. Use View Panels to show any hidden panel.
Any Selected Feature or Feature Label
NOTE: Some menu items are not available for all feature types, or if multiple features are selected.
Add Measurement - Create a measured feature and associate the selected feature as a nominal.
Add Readings - Add readings to the feature with the current device.
Add Readings From - Add readings to the feature with any device.
Aim (Laser Tracker Only) - Aim at the feature with the current device.
Aim With - Laser Tracker Only. Aim at the feature with any device.
*Assign A Layer - Move the feature to an existing layer.
Capture View - Capture the current view and store it with the feature.
Clear Readings - Permanently delete all readings from the feature.
Clear View - Clear the captured view of the feature.
Construct - Choose any available construction. + Delete - Permanently delete the feature from the file.
Copy Tolerances - Copy all tolerances for the feature.
+ Features Readings - View the feature’s readings in the Main window.
Flip Vector - Reverses the direction of the feature’s normal vector.
GD&T Mode - Opens the GD&T mode.
Generate Shortcut - Create a shortcut.
Import CAD Part(s) - Add a CAD part to the measurement file.
+ Label - Show or Hide the feature’s label.
+ Label Style - Specify the style of the feature’s label.
+ Whiskers - View the feature’s whiskers in the Main window.
Make Nominal - Designate the feature as nominal.
Measure - Add readings to the feature with any device, and replace all existing readings.
Nominal Whiskers - View the feature’s nominal whiskers in the Main Window.
Paste Tolerances - Paste a set of tolerances copied from another feature.
Properties - Edit the feature.
Recall View - Recall the captured view of the feature.
*Rename - Edit the feature name. Press the Enter key to continue.
Zoom To Features - Zoom in to the feature.
Any Selected Reading in the Measurement Data Panel
Aim (FARO Laser Tracker only) - Automatically point the laser beam to the X.Y,Z coordinate of the reading.
Delete - Permanently delete the reading from the file.
Any Tab in the Ribbon
Customize Ribbon - Customize the appearance of a ribbon.
Minimize - Minimize the appearance of a ribbon.
Show Quick Access Toolbar Below The Ribbon - Places the Quick Access Toolbar below the ribbon.
Any Selected QuickTools Program
Delete - Permanently delete the QuickTools program from the file.
Play - Start playing the contents of a QuickTools program.
Record - Start recording, or adding to, a QuickTools program.
Stop - Stop playing the contents of a QuickTools program.