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FARO® Knowledge Base

Using SCENE 2go Viewer



SCENE 2go allows users to view SCENE scan projects without owning the SCENE software. Users can view individual scans in a project and create measurements. 

Getting Started

Starting the App

A SCENE 2go project typically consists of several folders and separate applications to launch the project for a Windows PC or a Mac. 


To open SCENE 2go, click Start SCENE 2go on Windows.bat if you are using a Windows PC. Click Start SCENE 2go on Mac.command if you are using a Mac.

Opening a Scan Project

The SCENE 2go project select screen typically contains a featured project at the top, a map of the location of that project, and a list of any additional projects beneath the map.


A scan project's control buttons are located at the bottom right of the scan preview image.

  • Click the folder icon S2GoLoadIcon.png to load the project.
  • Click the info icon S2goInfoIcon.pngto view project details.
  • Click the map icon S2goMapIcon2.pngto view the project's location on a map.

You can also customize the items displayed on the project select screen.

  • Click the feature icon S2GoFeatureIcon.png to toggle the featured project.
  • Click the world map icon S2GoMapIcon.png to toggle the world map.
  • Click the list icon S2GoListIcon.png to display a vertical list of projects.
  • Click the thumbnail icon S2GoThumbnailIcon.png to display a grid of projects by thumbnail.

Viewing Scans

The Overhead Map

A scan project typically opens with an overhead map showing the entire project and each scan position.


Clicking an empty area of the map will place a coordinate picker icon S2goCoordIcon.png whose coordinates are displayed in the map status bar at the bottom of the screen.
A scan icon S2goScanIcon.pngrepresents each scan position. Note: Icon colors can be altered in the settings menu. Click the icon and a circular preview of the scan will appear with menu icons.


  • Click the panorama icon S2GoPanoramaIcon.png to open a 360 degree image of the scan.
  • Click the 3D view icon S2go3DIcon.png to open a 3D view of the scan.
    Note: The 3D option may not be available depending on your hardware.
  • Click the properties icon S2GoScanPropertiesIcon.png to see the scan's properties.

Panorama View

Click and hold on the image to rotate the camera. Click a scan icon to move into a different scan. 

3D View

Click and hold on the image to rotate the camera. Use the WASD keys to move forward or to the side. Use the R and F keys to move up and down. Click a scan icon to move into a different scan. 

Note: Holding down SHIFT will allow faster movement.

Creating Measurements

You can create measurements in the overhead map, panorama, and 3D views.

Overhead Map Measurements

The overhead map menu displays measurement tools on the right side of the screen.


Measure Distance

  1. Click the Measure Distance icon S2goMeasureDistance.png to measure the distance of a straight line or path of straight lines.
  2. Click a start point on the map.
  3. Click a second point to create a line. 
  4. Continue clicking points as needed.
  5. Optional: Click Enter Name on the right side of the screen to enter a name for the measurement if needed. 
  6. Click OK when the line or path is complete.


SCENE 2go will display the distance between each point and the total distance of the path created.

Click a completed measurement for further options.

  • Click the angle icon S2goAngleIcon.png to display axis distances and the angles formed by line intersections.
  • Click the properties icon S2GoScanPropertiesIcon.png to display measurement properties.
  • Click the delete icon S2goDeleteIcon.png to delete the measurement.

Measure Area

  1. Click the Measure Area icon S2goMeasureArea.pngto begin creating a custom shape in the overhead map.
  2. Click a point on the map, and then click a second point to create a line.
    Note: Once you have clicked a third point, SCENE 2go will show you a preview of the final line that will enclose the area. 
  3. Continue clicking points to define the edge of the area to create. To delete a point, click the x icon S2goXIcon.png to the right of the point in Measure Area menu..
  4. Optional: Click Enter Name on the right side of the screen to enter a name for the measurement .
  5. Click OK to complete the measurement area.
    Note: SCENE 2go will automatically generate the final line to enclose the area when you click OK.

Click a completed measurement for further options.

  • Click the distance label icon S2goDistanceLabelIcon.png to display the length of each line of the area.
  • Click the properties icon S2GoScanPropertiesIcon.png to display measurement properties.
  • Click the delete icon S2goDeleteIcon.png to delete the measurement.

Panorama/3D Measurements

  1. Click the Measure Distance icon S2goMeasureDistance.png to measure the distance of a straight line or path of straight lines in scan view.
  2. Click a start point on the map.
  3. Click a second point to create a line. SCENE 2go will automatically connect the two lines.
  4. Continue clicking points as needed.
  5. Optional: Click Enter Name on the right side of the screen to enter a name for the measurement if needed. 
  6. Click OK when the line or path is complete.


SCENE 2go will display the distance between each point and the total distance of the path created.

Click a completed measurement for further options.

  • Click the angle icon S2goAngleIcon.png to display angles formed by line intersections and axis distances.
  • Click the properties icon S2GoScanPropertiesIcon.png to display measurement properties.
  • Click the delete icon S2goDeleteIcon.png to delete the measurement.