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Laser Projector

Tracer SI

Tracer M

FARO® Knowledge Base

Connecting to a Tracer Array with BuildIT Projector



This article will cover the following topics:

  • Adding multiples projectors to the Projection Plan
  • Defining Targets for Each Projector
  • Applying Clipping Settings
  • Connecting and Projecting
  • Troubleshooting


Adding Multiple Projectors to the Projection Plan

With the model open in BuildIT Projector, add the projectors to the projection plan.

  1. Click Add Projector.
  2. Enter the Name or IP address of the projector.
  3. Click OK.
  4. When both projectors are added they will be shown in the plan.

Defining Targets for Each Projector

  • Add alignment points to the projection plan.
  1. Click Add Alignment Points.
  2. Select the points in the model.
  3. Ensure settings are correct and click Apply.
  • When all of the alignment points have been selected, define which projector will use each point for alignment.
  1. Select the target(s).
    You can select multiple points and adjust the settings for all of them simultaneously.
  2. Click the Edit button to display the projectors window.
  3. Enable/disable projectors.
    By default both projectors will be selected, clicking the check box will select and deselect the projector.
  4. Click OK.
  • Projectors can share targets. For projections that will be displayed by multiple units at the same time it is recommended that projectors share targets near transition points.



  • As in this example, if the part is split in the middle the two projectors should both use the middle targets. This will allow for seamless overlap between each projector.

Applying Clipping Settings

  • To be sure that each projection is being displayed by the correct projector, there are clipping settings than can be enabled.
    • Allow overlap: If set to True then multiple projectors may project the same curve if it is within the Field Of View and the threshold incidence angle. If set to False then only one projector will project each curve.
    • Threshold incidence angle: The value here serves as the maximum angle the normal vector of the projection curve can have with respect to the projector.
  • The image below shows roughly a 45-degree angle of incidence between the demo part top surface and the projector:



Connecting and Projecting

  • To connect and project with multiple projectors follow the same workflow that is used for just one projector.
  • Connect to Projectors - Will connect to each projector listed in the plan, in order.
  • Projector Array Alignment -Will align each projector listed in the plan, in order.
  • Once aligned, follow the standard projection workflow. The plan settings will allow the projectors to automatically determine which projector should project each image.


  • If the projection does not appear as expected, the clipping settings may need to be adjusted:
    • Adjust the Allow overlap setting to determine which method is preferred. If set to True it may be confusing with multiple projectors showing the same line.
  • If all of the lines are not projecting fully:
    • Adjust the Threshold incidence angle to be sure all information is being displayed. Increasing this angle will display more information that may be cut off by a smaller angle.
  • If the lines are being projected by the wrong projector:
    • The normal vector of the line may need to be adjusted, as it may not be pointing in the direction the user expects. See the Displaying and Adjusting Normal Vectors section below.

Displaying and Adjusting Normal Vectors


  • If necessary, the normal vectors for a projection curve can be edited. To view the normal vectors click on the curve in the plan.
  • In order for the vectors to be displayed, one of two requirements must be met:
  1. The plan must have multiple projectors, and
  2. Allow overlap must be set to False.
  3. The Threshold incidence angle must be less than 180.

If the vectors are not visible, be sure that these above requirements are met.

  • By default the normal vector is taken as the average of the surfaces that make the curve.






  • However, the user may wish to adjust the vector to only use the top surface.
  • To adjust this, the side surface must be deleted from the projection curve:
  1. Select the curve
  2. Edit the Surfaces property
  3. Select and delete unwanted surfaces









  • Other surfaces can be added by typing the surface name into the New Item field.


  • To quickly find a surface name, select it in the model and then view it in the manager tree.

