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FARO® Knowledge Base

Login/Logout Commands and User Level Profiles with BuildIT Operator



Laser Projector

Tracer SI

Tracer M



In this article you will find a description of the following commands:

  • Windows Login: Login to BuildIT as a Windows user and set the User Level accordingly
  • BuildIT Login: Login to BuildIT as a custom user and set the User Level accordingly
  • Logout: Logout of BuildIT

These commands are completely optional to projection workflows, but for customers that want additional traceability and control, they can be set up to capture username and disable commands based on their assigned permission levels.

FAQs related to this topic are also included below for your reference.

Login / Logout Description

In the Operator workbench only, you will find Windows Login, BuildIT Login and Logout in the toolbar as well as in the File menu.

Clicking the login command OperatorLoginIcon.png will pop up the Login Interface:


Windows Login:

  • The Username field will accept any Windows User that is defined in the Users.config file (see Related Files).
  • The Password for a given user name stored and managed by Windows. In other words, your Windows account password is the same one used in BuildIT.

BuildIT Login:

  • Both the Username and the Password fields will accept any custom user and its password that are defined in the Users.json file (see Related Files). A maximum of three login attempts is allowed. If authentication fails 3 times, the user will be locked.

Clicking the logout command OperatorLogoutIcon.png will restore to "no user" mode, which has a user level of 0 (maximum restriction) when there is not a user logged in.

The Username is used for traceability on reports by tagging the name with their operations (i.e. measurements, completed layers, etc.) while the User Level is used to restrict the use of BuildIT user interface accordingly (i.e. it defines what commands are enable/unable for the current user). Both Username and User Level will be shown on the BuildIT title bar when logged in.


User Level Description

The User Level may be defined as follows:

0 - Observers Users at this level can only open and view an existing BuildIT file to look at the results. They cannot make any modifications. This is equivalent to the "Viewer" mode that is enabled if there is no license detected.
1 - Operators Users at this level can open an existing file an run through a predetermined process but should not be allowed to execute operations outside this defined workflow (process).
2 - Users Users at this level are regular users or Operators with the ability to assemble their own command sequences, likely following a prescribed workflow (external), but with some ability to backtrack or fix measurements on minor operational errors.
3 - Supervisors Users at this level can bypass some validations or gates defined to limit any out-of-spec parts and accept them anyway.
4 - Specialists Users at this level are in charge of defining the workflow for their organization or cover a wide range of applications and are able to determine the proper methods to be applied in each case.
5 - Administrators Users at his level have full control of the application, including defining site-specific configuration parameters and customizing the application and restricted parameters.


Related Files

Name Location Description


Note: This file is only created after the first time the Login command has been launched.

Defines the User Level for each Windows user and/or group.

When initially created, the "users" section will be empty. You can add any existing username. The "groups" section will already be populated with the groups made available by the IT administrators managing the computer. You can edit the permission level assigned to each group.


Location is set by the user.

Note: This file needs to be manually created.


Defines the list of users when using BuildIT Login only. It is not required for Windows Login.

It also defines the Usernames, User Level, and Password.



Note: This file needs to be manually created

Defines the location of the Users.json file so that BuildIT can access it and retrieve the list of users when using BuildIT Login only. It is not required for Windows Login.

C:\Program Files\BuildIT\BuildIT Projector 20xx.x\data\profiles\Projector

Note: For older versions it is in ..\profiles\Operator

Defines the minimum User Level required to enable for each command.

It also defines the default User Level when launching BuildIT, before anyone inputs their credentials. When first installing BuildIT, it is set at User Level 5 so that there are no restrictions initially. If you wish to enforce user levels, edit this file by setting "defaultUserLevel" to 0.


What is the difference between the user when using Windows Login or BuildIT Login? Are they interchangeable?

What login command is preferable, Windows Login or BuildIT Login?

For Windows Users, how are the permission level define for each Username? How can I define or customize the permission level for each Username?

For BuildIT Users, how can I setup users and configure it to work in BuildIT?

For BuildIT Users, how can I unlock a user that was locked after 3 failed connection attempts?

What’s the purpose of this command?

Do we have some levels of restrictions, edit, etc.?

Can multiple users log in simultaneously?

If I enable multiple users, can a mix of Windows Users and BuildIT users connect simultaneously?

Can I lock projection plans so that they can only be run by specific users?