This article lists the Release Notes for each version of FARO InTouch. The current version release notes are displayed at the top of the article. Previous revisions are contained in expanding sections below.
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InTouch Release Notes – Version 2.4.43
ATTENTION: InTouch Versions before this one will not be able to check if the user is entitled to a given software update. Therefore users running older versions of InTouch might see the “unentitled” window when trying to update to a new major software version. Likewise, if they have the auto-updates enabled, the new major version will not be automatically installed. Versions equal to or greater than 2.4.43 will not have this problem.
What’s New:
The InTouch app supports the Korean Language
The InTouch installer supports the Korean Language
InTouch Release Notes – Version 2.4.39
What’s New:
New images for software products
Fixed Issues:
Uninstall and Repair failing due to running processes - Sometimes the uninstall and repair of Services installed through InTouch (e.g. Licensing Service) would fail when the user wants to uninstall or repair. That problem has been fixed in this new version
InTouch Release Notes – Version 2.4.32
Fixed Issues:
Minor issues
InTouch Release Notes – Version 2.4.29
What’s new:
Updated InTouch Chinese translations
Updated InTouch Japanese translations
InTouch Release Notes – Version 2.4.27
What’s new:
Removed .NETCore_3.1.19 prerequisite from InTouch
Change the "not entitled to update" message. When a user is not entitled to update to a new major software version an informative window is displayed. It was necessary to change the content of that window, to make it clearer for customers:
Fixed Issues:
Unable to Uninstall InTouch after Repair. If a user installs InTouch, Repairs it using the installer option and then uninstalls InTouch using the control panel option, an error would occur. This problem has been fixed.
Auto-Updates option disabled after user enabled it. After enabling the auto-updates option, it would disable on its own. That problem has been fixed.
InTouch Release Notes – Version 2.4.2
Fixed Issues:
The inTouch latest version (2.4.0) was not able to update FARO applications that require admin privileges. The problem is fixed in release 2.4.2.
InTouch Release Notes – Version 2.4.0
What’s new:
The InTouch App has a new display of the installed FARO applications, with a green line on the top margin of the tile:
New error indicator - When an InTouch user is trying to make an operation on the InTouch app but the operation fails, a new error indicator is displayed on top of the tile. The error is clickable, and it opens a pop-up window with detailed information about the problem and the next steps to solve it, including a “Retry Button”. The new error indicator is compatible with the previous failure system
The InTouch feature to “Collect support files” now exports Event Viewer data with ".evtx" extension
The InTouch app has a new filter button, that allows customers to only display on the InTouch catalog the applications they have installed. The view of all applications or only installed ones can be changed, and the option selected is persistent even after quitting InTouch
These new features are translated into 11 languages
The Services of the applications (ex. InTouch, Licensing Service, RPM Control Server) present in InTouch can now be manually restarted if they stopped running for some reason:
More detail about the errors is also available now on the InTouch installer.
Auto-Update routine now prioritizes InTouch update, when more than one app has updates available.
In this version of the InTouch App 4 tiles in a row are displayed instead of 3.
InTouch version 2.4.0 has the commercial version 2023.
Fixed Issues:
The option to “Rollback” to the previously installed version of a given application was not being correctly displayed. Now, if a customer cancels an installation/update at a later stage of the progress (i.e. at the staging stage of the installation), or if it fails for any reason, he will see the option to “Rollback” to the previously installed version.
InTouch Server was recurrently offline. This problem has been fixed.
InTouch Release Notes – Version 2.3.0
What’s new:
BuildIT doesn't uninstall if its server is running, the pop-up message has been improved in order to let the user know that the app and related services must be closed first:
Refine service status flyout style and behavior. The Details in the Help Panel have a new flyout behavior, that allows the user to select and copy text.
New error message in the empty UI when the service is down and the list of FARO applications was not loaded:
The InTouch Refresh button includes now 3 error states, which are identified on the tooltip of the button.
There is a new link on the help panel which can help customers contact customer support:
The InTouch tray icon “Refresh Licenses” has been changed to “Check for updates” to be in agreement with the new InTouch layout
Fixed Issues:
Unexpected behavior when InTouch is installed without an Internet connection - After InTouch installation when the internet connection is established, the InTouch application was not able to update all the necessary information.
Impossibility to uninstall the licensing service
InTouch Release Notes – Version 2.2.10
What’s new:
Download InTouch Support Files - This new feature of the InTouch App (Figure 1) and of the InTouch installer (Figure 2) allows customers to easily collect support information that can be provided to customer service for troubleshooting purposes:
Figure 1
Figure 2
Missing translations have been added to the InTouch Application
Every time the InTouch Service is down, a more explicit message is shown to the customer on the toolbar, and a red info badge is displayed on top of the help icon to draw the users' attention
When InTouch is preparing all the necessary content to run now the InTouch screen becomes disabled and a more informative message is displayed:
The synchronize licenses icon has been replaced by an animated refresh icon that appears on the right side of the InTouch toolbar. By clicking on it, InTouch will check for new updates available for FARO applications and it will also check if the customer is entitled (or not) to a new major version of a given FARO application:
.NET 3.1 added as an InTouch prerequisite
InTouch Release Notes – Version 2.1.4
What’s new:
New InTouch Toolbar and buttons
The System Information Panel of InTouch has been replaced with the new InTouch Help Panel. It includes three sections “Service Status”, “Help” and “Version”.
Improved Service error details. With this version, every time an InTouch Service is down, more information is provided to the customer.
When InTouch is offline a new indicator is visible on the toolbar "InTouch is offline".
InTouch Services have been updated from .NET Core 3.x to 6.0
Fixed Issues:
The display name of a service installed through InTouch is not being updated
InTouch Release Notes – Version 1.6.0
What’s new:
Improvement of the user experience when InTouch is uninstalled through the control panel. Now it has the same behavior as uninstalling through the InTouch setup
Add FontName when retrieving the Faces information
Removed support for Analyzer versions that depend on DataServicesLegacy
Removed support for Promoter Tools versions that depend on DataServicesLegacy
Removed deployment of data services legacy
Create redirect from old URL Manager to new URL Manager
Data Integrity check between old and new URL Manager
InTouch Release Notes – Version 1.5.5
Fixed Issues:
Minor orthographic errors fixed for InTouch Portuguese version.
If one app with Fonts is running, the installation of another app with fonts fails
InTouch Release Notes – Version 1.5.2
What’s new:
Messaging System replacement for RabbitMQ and Erlang to Mosquito MQTT Net
If the Mosquitto MQTT service stops for some reason, the InTouch Service will stop too
If the Mosquitto MQTT service stops for some reason, the InTouch Service will restart the Mosquitto MQTT after a few seconds
If for some reason the Mosquitto MQTT needs to be uninstalled from the PC, its service (i.e. “Mosquitto Broker”) must be stopped first
If the Mosquitto MQTT was uninstalled from the PC (after stopping its service), then the REPAIR option of the InTouch SETUP will reinstall the Mosquitto MQTT. With that, it will be correctly installed and InTouch will start and run successfully again.
NOTE: If you update InTouch to version 1.5.2 and don’t need Erlang and RabbitMQ anymore, feel free to uninstall them from your PC.
New Mosquitto MQTT Status on InTouch Settings Panel, on the system information tab