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FARO Zone 3D FARO Zone 3D - 2018 FARO Zone 3D - 2019 FARO Zone 3D - 2020 FARO Zone 3D - 2021 FARO Zone 3D - 2022 FARO Zone 3D - 2023 FARO Zone 3D - 2024      
FARO Zone 3D Advanced FARO Zone 3D Advanced - 2018 FARO Zone 3D Advanced - 2019 FARO Zone 3D Advanced - 2020 FARO Zone 3D Advanced - 2021 FARO Zone 3D Advanced - 2022          
FaroArm/ScanArm FaroArm/ScanArm - Quantum S FaroArm/ScanArm - Quantum M FaroArm/ScanArm - Quantum E FaroArm/ScanArm - Edge FaroArm/ScanArm - Fusion FaroArm/ScanArm - Prime FaroArm/ScanArm - Platinum FaroArm/ScanArm - Legacy Quantum FaroArm/ScanArm - Titanium FaroArm/ScanArm - Advantage
FaroArm/ScanArm FaroArm/ScanArm - Digital Template FaroArm/ScanArm - Gage FaroArm/ScanArm - Quantum S Max FaroArm/ScanArm - Quantum M Max FaroArm/ScanArm - Quantum E Max FaroArm/ScanArm - Gage Max FaroArm/ScanArm - Quantum X.S FaroArm/ScanArm - Quantum X.M FaroArm/ScanArm - Quantum X.E  
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Laser Scanner 3D Laser Scanner - Focus Core 3D Laser Scanner - Focus Premium Max                
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RevEng RevEng - RevEng                  
ScanArm ScanArm - Design ScanArm 2.0 ScanArm - Design ScanArm ScanArm - Forensic ScanArm ScanArm - Design ScanArm 2.5C            
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Quantum X.S

Quantum X.M

Quantum X.E

Quantum S Max

Quantum M Max

Quantum E Max

Gage Max

Quantum S

Quantum M

Quantum E






Legacy Quantum



Digital Template

3D Laser Scanner

Focus Core

Focus Premium

Focus Premium Max

Focus S

Focus S Plus

Focus M


Focus3D X

Focus3D X HDR

Focus3D S


Laser Tracker

Vantage S

Vantage S6

Vantage E

Vantage E6






Mobile Scanner


2D Hand Held Scanner


3D Hand Held Scanner

Freestyle 2

Leap ST

Freestyle3D Objects

Freestyle3D X


Laser Projector

Tracer SI

Tracer M



Horizon RT


Revo RT


Legacy Gage





Serial FaroArm




3D Imager




Scan Head



Design ScanArm

Design ScanArm 2.0

Design ScanArm 2.5C

Forensic ScanArm

FARO® Knowledge Base

Compensation, Calibration, and Certification Standards for FARO Devices


The terms compensation, calibration, and certification apply to how the accuracy of a FARO® device is defined and maintained. Often these terms are used interchangeably to mean compensation. But, each term means something very specific. To understand these terms, how they apply to your FARO device, and how you can get the most accurate measurement performance, see the sections below.

We’ve introduced a new way to schedule your service or certification for your FARO equipment online – our new FARONow! Customer Portal. FARONow! personalizes your experience and allows you to:

  • Choose the asset(s) you want to certify
  • Track your unit during certification
  • Access anywhere, anytime, with any device
  • Immediate information and support

Ready to schedule your certification?



A process used to adjust the performance of a measurement tool, keeping its performance within a stated accuracy range. 

FARO provides two levels of compensation adjustments: Minor compensation adjustments that you can do yourself and complete compensations adjustments that can only be done at a FARO Service Center

Do it Yourself: Most FARO devices have both manual processes and integrated features that enable you to make small accuracy adjustments. Refer to your device setup/configuration, or if another operator used the device before you (the way you use the device may be different than the previous operator), or your work environment changes in some way (such as you move the device to a different work location), or if you have accuracy concerns.

FARO Service Center: It takes special equipment and training to algorithmically and mechanically compensate your FARO device. FARO Service Centers and technicians are fully equipped and trained to ensure your device meets original manufacturer's accuracy specifications as stated in the device tech sheet.


A test or series of tests that compare measurement values to known standards, typically defined and documented by an industry or developed and documented by a manufacturer based on stated quality requirements. The result of a calibration is a listing of comparison deviations. Results are considered passing if deviations are within the stated specification for the device. Deviations may be shown in a report.

FARO provides two levels of calibration comparisons: Test comparisons that you can do yourself and in depth certifiable calibration tests that can only be done at a FARO Service Center

Do it Yourself: Most FARO devices have both manual processes and integrated features to check if the device is performing according to the accuracy technical specifications stated in the device tech sheet. Refer to your device user manual for accuracy test instructions. It is recommended that you use accuracy test processes and features to check the results of the do it yourself compensation features, or when you have accuracy concerns. How often you do these tests depends on your corporation's quality requirements and processes. 

FARO Service Center: ISO accredited FARO Service Centers provide standardized device calibration, ensuring that your device has been correctly and reliably calibrated. To review accreditation details, click here. All FARO devices are calibrated using artifacts that are traceable to the International System of Units (SI) through NIST or another recognized National Metrological Institute that is a participant of the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIMP) Mutual Recognition Agreement. More information on the Mutual Recognition Agreement between National Metrological Institutes of different countries can be found here:   


A document provided after a calibration is completed that shows the calibration comparisons, deviations, and pass/fail results. Accredited FARO Service Centers provide a calibration certificate whenever you send your FARO device in for servicing, compensation, calibration, and certification. This certificate validates that your device adheres to calibration standards and procedures that apply to your device. See the list of FARO products below to review the ISO accreditation and the applicable calibration procedures used for your device.



FARO Service Center - Compensation, Calibration, and Certification

Your FARO device is a precision measurement tool. When you treat it according to the use and care instructions stated in the device user manual, it is designed to maintain its accuracy when exposed to the stresses and impacts in typical work environments. However, to ensure the repeatable accuracy of your FARO measuring devices, it is a best practice to periodically send your device to a FARO Service Center to get a complete and thorough compensation, calibration, and certification. How often you send in your device depends on your corporate quality policies and procedures for ensuring the performance of measurement devices. 

It is a best practice to always keep your warranty up to date. When you purchase a warranty, you get one free calibration and certification with every year of warranty purchased. Click here for information about warranties. 

To comply with the conditions stated in your warranty, only send your device to a FARO Service Center. The technicians at the service center perform a series of tests, a factory compensation, and a factory calibration using patented proprietary hardware and software to optimize the performance of your FARO device and ensure your device meets all the original factory technical specifications.

When your device is returned to you, you receive a calibration certificate that documents the calibration comparisons, deviations, and pass/fail results. 

FaroArm, ScanArm, and Laser Line Probes

  • There are two types of compensation for FaroArm and ScanArm that you can do yourself: FaroArm compensation and probe compensation. For details and instructions, refer to the user manual for your model.
  • There are two types of do-it-yourself tests that provide results that enable you to assess the accuracy of your measurement processes: SPAT test and volumetric test. For details and instructions, refer to the user manual for your model.
  • It is a metrology industry best practice to perform a compensation whenever you change probes. The compensation determines the center of the probe tip relative to the FaroArm coordinate system. For the Quantum Series FaroArms, the kinesthetic mount maintains a high-level of accuracy as you change from one probe to another and may not require compensation. As you change probes for the Quantum Series FaroArms, compare the measurements you get without compensation and accuracy tests to your project quality specification to determine if you must compensate probes as you change from one to another. 
  • When FARO factory technicians perform a compensation, the true dimensions and kinematics of the FaroArm are determined and stored in the FaroArm memory.
  • For the ASME B89.4.22-2004 calibrations,  FARO follows this Standard’s recommendation, Appendix J, in the application of the decision rule to testing results. This appendix states "B89 standards that adopt standards referencing ISO 14253-1 as a normative standard shall explicitly state a different decision rule, where the 4:1 simple acceptance and rejection rule from B89.7.3.1 shall be the default rule unless a different rule is specified."
  • For ISO 10360-12:2016 Calibration, FARO follows this Standard's recommendation, Introduction Clause, in the application of the decision rule to testing results. This clause states that "the default decision rules given in ISO 14253-1 apply to specifications made in accordance with this part of ISO 10360, unless otherwise indicated." The relevant decision rule in ISO 14253-1 is given in Clause 5.2, "Rule for proving conformance with specifications."

NOTE: The Design ScanArm is not a metrology-grade measurement tool, so it does not need to be sent to a FARO Service Center for certification. To access the accuracy of your Design ScanArm, you can perform the do-it-yourself compensation and accuracy tests at any time. Refer to your user manual for details. If your Design ScanArm has sustained damage or you are concerned about its accuracy, you may request to send it in for repair. All repairs for your Design ScanArm are governed by FARO's ISO 9001:2015 accreditation.


Model Calibration
Quantum X
Quantum Max
Gage Max
ISO-10360-12:2016 for FaroArms kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg
Edge, Prime, Fusion, Platinum, Quantum, Titanium, Gage Bluetooth ASME B89.4.22 for a FaroArms and ScanArms including these tests.
  • Effective Diameter Test
  • Single Point Articulation Test
  • Volumetric Performance Test.

Click here to see a sample report.

kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg
Gage Plus, Gage Standard, Power Gage ISO 10360-2 kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg


FaroArm with 8-Axis: Based on ISO 10360-12 - Articulated Location Error Test

ScanArm with 8-Axis:  When using the Laser Line Probe (LLP) and 8-Axis, the certificate test is based on ISO 10360-8 Annex D

Laser Line Probe (LLP)
FARO Blu V6, HD V6, Prizm, FAROBlu xR, xP, xS, xE

When serviced with a Quantum FaroArm (or later model): Test based on methods from ISO 10360-8 Annex D

When serviced alone or with a FaroArm other than the Quantum (or later model): FARO proprietary process that uses traceable known measurement artifacts to confirm LLP meets published specifications

kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg
Laser Line Probe (LLP) Edge ES V5, Edge V4 FARO proprietary process that uses traceable known measurement artifacts to confirm LLP meets published specifications kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg
Laser Line Probe (LLP) V3 FARO proprietary process that uses traceable known measurement artifacts to confirm LLP meets published specifications kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg  
Laser Line Probe (LLP) LLP Calibration Plate The LLP Calibration Plate does not apply to calibration standards. However, the plate is manufactured to specific tolerances per the provided drawing. n/a n/a

Click here to review accuracy standards and technical specifications contained in model-specific techsheets.       

Leap ST

User Calibration

It is best practice to re-calibrate the sensor with each use when you are looking for the best possible performance. It is particularly required when:

  • The sensor has been transported, such as vibrations inside of a moving vehicle
  • The environment condition (temperature) has changed more than 5 degrees
  • Laser lines are missing from the scan preview
  • Poor data quality

The Leap ST User Manual has step-by-step instructions about how you can compensate your Leap ST.

Factory Calibration

To ensure the proper functioning of the scanner, it should be checked by FARO Customer Service on a regular basis within the yearly maintenance and certification service. The service intervals should not exceed one year from the "placed in use" date, rather than the date of calibration. Contact your local FARO Customer Service team for more information.

Laser Trackers

  • The ASME B89.4.19 System Calibration is a standardized method of calibrating a Laser Tracker using NIST traceable artifacts. It was officially released by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in December 2006, several years after the FARO Laser Tracker was developed and began production. The standard consists of a comparison of the Absolute Distance Meter (ADM) system of the Laser Tracker (and IFM system if equipped) to a NIST traceable interferometer as well as scale bar measurements at specific locations and with specific geometries.
  • The B89 calibration provides a more complete Laser Tracker calibration certificate then the standard certificate. It is 12 pages long and contains 6 pages of Laser Tracker measurements, but will only be performed on a Laser Tracker after successful completion of the standard calibration. One primary reason for this is that the B89 standard requires all the angular accuracy measurements be performed at a distance of 6 meters or closer and uses only one sized Spherically Mounted Retroreflector (SMR). The testing that goes along with the FARO standard calibration method does more extensive accuracy checks at further distances with multiple sized SMR's.
  • If you request the entire B89.4.19 procedure, it is not included in your warranty. 


Model Calibration
6Probe ISO 10360-10:2016 Annex G.3 BlueCheckMark.jpeg BlueCheckMark.jpeg
Vantage Series and Vantage FARO proprietary process that uses traceable known measurement artifacts and ASME B89.4.19, clause 6.4 only kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg
  Optional upon request 
Entire B89.4.19 procedure
kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg
ION®, Xi, X, Si  FARO proprietary process that uses traceable known measurement artifacts to confirm tracker meets published specifications kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg
  Optional upon request
Entire ASME B89.4.19 procedure can be performed
kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg

Click here to review accuracy standards and technical specifications contained in model-specific techsheets.

3D Imagers

  • The user manual for your model Cobalt has step-by-step instructions about how you can compensate your Cobalt. 
  • The Cobalt 3D Imager does not have to be sent back to the FARO factory for periodic calibration and certification unless you want to have it certified. This certification is optional and is not covered by your warranty. 
  • The matching dot plate for the Cobalt 3D Imager does require periodic calibration and certification. FARO factory technicians certify your dot plate using high-accuracy photogrammetry and traceable scale bars. When the dot plate is returned to you, you get a new calibration file. Load this file to your system before you do a compensation.
  • Per the recommendation of VDI/VDE 2634-2:2012, Annex 4.3.5, the relevant decision rule in ISO 14253-1:1998 is given in Clause 5.2, "Rule for proving conformance with specifications."


Cobalt Dot Plate


Model Calibration
Dot Plates FARO proprietary process that uses traceable known measurement artifacts to confirm imager meets published specifications kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg  
Cobalt All Models IDI/VDE 2634-2:2002 kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg

Click here to review accuracy standards and technical specifications contained in model-specific techsheets.

Laser Projectors

Model Calibration
All Models FARO proprietary process that uses traceable known measurement artifacts to confirm projector meets published specifications kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg  

Click here to review accuracy standards and technical specifications contained in model-specific techsheets.

See Also

3D Laser Scanners

  • Click here for instructions about how to use do-it-yourself Onsite Compensation to adjust your FocusS 70/150/350. 
  • Click here for details about what is covered when you send in your Laser Scanner for factory compensation, calibration, and certification. 


Model Calibration

-Focus Premium

-FocusS 70/150/350/Plus

-Focus3D X HDR 30/130/330

-Focus3D X 30/130/330

FARO proprietary process that uses traceable known measurement artifacts to confirm scanner meets published specifications kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg  

-FocusM 70

-Focus3D S 20/120

-Focus3D 20/120

FARO proprietary process to confirm scanner meets published specifications kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg  

Click here to review accuracy standards and technical specifications contained in model-specific techsheets.

*Note: There is no calibration certificate for Focus Core Laser Scanners.

Scan Localizers

The Scan Localizer does not required compensation, calibration, or certification. However, it can be repaired or serviced, which is certified ISO 9001.

Model ISO
All Models kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg  

Click here to review accuracy standards and technical specifications contained in model-specific techsheets.

See Also

Freestyle Hand-Held Scanners


Model Calibration
Freestyle FARO proprietary process that uses known measurement artifacts to confirm scanner meets published specifications kA270000000Cb7DCAS_en_US_1_3.jpeg